Helping with math.random repeating

I’ve been having a problem with trying to get rid of repeating values, I tried stopping the problem by checking other the other TextLabels in the Gui for the same value, but that still didn’t work. I’d like to see some feedback to help fix this issue.

function RandomFunction()
	local Value = Table[math.random(#Table)]
	for _,Child in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
		if Child.Text == Value then
			repeat Value = Table[math.random(#Table)] until Child.Text ~= Value
	return Value

Try calling math.randomseed(x) before math.random() if u have a different seed each time you should almost always get different values

math.random is annoying because what is really random doesn’t feel very random. Apple had a similar issue as far as I know where users complained about randomly shuffed songlists being too orderly.
Anyway I have a feeling that using math.random without any arguments (which gives you a random real number) and then converting the numbers to a different Range would give a better result.
I won’t guarantee anything though, might be just as bad :sweat_smile:

function RandomNumber(Min,Max)
    local Spread = Max - Min
    local RandomReal = math.random()
    local Offset = RandomReal * Spread
    local Unrounded = Min + Offset
    local DecimalPart = Unrounded - math.floor(Unrounded)
    if DecimalPart > 0.5 then
         return math.ceil(Unrounded)
         return math.floor(Unrounded)
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Yay I tried random seed, but I kinda want to have a 100% that no that value will not repeat itself.

When you get a value,Insert them to a table. You can use table.find to check if the value is not in the table.

That is raw random, you can get stuff like 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 5 6 2 in rare cases… What you can do is check to see if 3 was previously stated then change it to something else…

randomseed is basically, whenever you join a game and spin a random generator, you will get random numbers but EVERYTIME you join you get those same random numbers

There are weighted randomizers that use percentage like in adopt me when you are getting an egg, “.002%” chance…

Hope this helped.

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Yay, I tried using a randomizer which returns different values more repeatedly than others. It seems to work good, in my script I just did a work around where if does repeat itself it won’t mess up completely.

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