Heuristically filter out exploit messages from Error Report analytics

Looking through analytics data is a bit annoying right now because there’s lots of noise from client-side exploits generating errors and warnings.

However most of my games’ legitimate code is in fixed scripts that don’t change locations (or at most are cloned from an existing script or reparented when the game starts), so it would be nice if we could make use of that knowledge to filter out illegitimate code from our analytics.

Similarly it would just be useful for us to be able to tell what category (exploit or not) a particular list entry is in, so we can get a rough idea of whether it is coming from a legitimate source or not. Sometimes it can be hard to tell whether a message is just an exploit or is coming from your own code (or is coming from code that Roblox adds at runtime).

Examples of exploit messages:


You could also use this to detect exploiters.