Welcome to the new documentation for the new and modified Hexaria Terraform.
Take a look around at some of the dropdowns for knowledge of that section!
Even though most of the directions are within the plugin, it’s nice to have them here!
Generating Your Map!
When you open the plugin, you’ll see the [Generation Settings Menu]!!!
Most of the inputs are explained within the menu, so input some numbers to get started!
If you click either of the little hexagons, it will select the TerraformCore’s Hex.
Then when you change the hex’s color, the little hexagons will change color with it!
Those little hexagon colors will be the color of your map.
When you’re done, click [Generate!! :3] and the plugin will start generating your map!
Depending on your inputs, notably [Edge], the plugin may take longer to generate the map.
If you want your map to be a little more advanced and cool looking, click that [EPIC] button at the top right of the menu…
🟩EPIC Generation
Welcome to the [EPIC Generation Menu]!!!
This modified generation uses a thing called Fractal Noise, whatever that means, but this thing will make your map look more diverse and cooler!!
If you want to activate EPIC generation, click [Enable!! :3]
🟩New Generation Inputs
Octaves, Lacunarity, Noise Gain, and Persistence!
While I do not know what each of them means… Here are some example maps that I made labeled with their amounts. Use these references to get the terrain you desire!
🟩Object Generation
The list to the left is your list of objects that you want to be generated!
Right now, there is only one thing on the list [No Object]
—{Adding Objects}—
Want to spice up your terrain generation? Where are the objects are the spices??
Then click the [Add Object!! :3] button!
This will switch the list to a list of objects you can choose from!
Scroll up or down, then click the object you want to apply to the list.
—{Removing Objects}—
If you don’t want an object generated on the list, click its box and it will be deleted.
—{Object Spacing}—
The red box is the object’s spacing input, type a number in the box to change its range of influence.
For example, if you were to input 2 then no object can generate in a 2 hex range to that object!
—{Object Chance}—
The % box is the object’s chance input, type the percentage on how often you want your object to be generated. Decimals are allowed as well!
The chance is rolled per hex so if you have 5% on an object, then each hex will have a 5% chance to generate that object.
Your chances do not have to add up to 100% so you can go crazy with the amounts.
🟩Map Outline Color
This box will determine the color of the outline of your entire map!
Currently, it will not apply color so, click the hexagon which will make you select your TerraformCore’s hex.
Then change that hex’s [BrickColor] or [Color] and the hexagon GUI will change with it!
After you select your desired color, deselect the TerraformCore Hex.
Next, when you eventually generate your map, your outline will be applied as shown:
🟩Height Mapping
The list to the right is your hexagons list thing, in that list you can set the colors that will be generated on a specified height that you input.
Click the [Add Color!! :3] button to add a new hexagon to the list.
—{The Hexagon}—
Clicking the hexagon will select your TerraformCore’s hex, with that hex change the [BrickColor] or [Color] and the hexagon GUI will change with it!
After you select your desired color, deselect the TerraformCore hex.
Hovering your mouse and scrolling up or down will apply two special filters on the hexagon:
Ø / No Object
If you have this symbol on your hexagon, no object can be generated on that color. -
X / Destroy
If you have this symbol on your hexagon then that means any hexes will not be generated based on your height input, useful for creating floating islands.
But if you click the Hexagon with this filter, it will delete the hexagon from the list.
—{Greater/Less Than}—
In the middle of your box, there is a button that will switch between Greater/Less Than when clicked.
Basically, If you want your inputted height to only apply its changes Greater/Less Than the height it reaches.
The box to the right is the height input, type in the number of what height you want your hexagon setting to apply to.
How do you know how far your heights can soar??
Well, the height can’t go less than zero…
To get the estimated max height for your map, take your amplitude and half it!
Also, after you generate your map the [Output] will print out your estimated max height, so use that if you don’t like how your settings turned out.
The basics stuff that you will most likely use when having this plugin!
Pressing [ will decrease the size of your brush!
Pressing ] will increase the size of your brush!
Moving your mouse on a hex will update the range.
Pressing [Shift + Z] will undo an action!
Pressing [Shift + Y] will redo an action!
Some actions in this plugin cannot be undone/redone.
The layers window is that box to the left of your screen!
You may minimize it by clicking [V]
Your layers are also saved when you close down Studio or close the plugin, how nifty!
—{Creating A New Layer}—
Your layers are automatically created based on the colors you had on generation. However, if you splashed some new colors on your map and would like to create a new layer, this is how!
Click the [+] button at the top right of the window, and this will engage layer creation!
Hover your mouse over hexes of different colors and that color will be added to the list.
When you are finished, click [CANCEL] on the box that appeared above the list.
You can also click [ADD ALL] to add every color from the map to your list!
—{Messing With Layers}—
Toggle Active
Clicking the middle of a layer will either grey it out or brighten it up.
When it’s greyed out/inactive, any hex with that color will not be able to be selected, placed objects on, colored, and be affected by terraforming.
Copy Color
Clicking the little hexagon on the layer will copy its color to your color brush! -
Delete Layer
Clicking the red box will delete the layer and send it somewhere…
Deleting a layer will also reactivate the color it was attached to if it was inactive. -
Rename Layer
To rename your layers go to [ServerStorage] → [HexTerraform_ColorLayers] and click the drop-down, then you will see a bunch or a few ColorValues.
Find the color that you want to rename and simply rename it!
The layer on the list will automatically change its label to the new name.
Either press the number keys on your keyboard or click the label on the [Toolbar] to switch to that tool!
{1} Select
Welcome to the [Select Tool], use it to select hexes on your map to terraform without interfering with other hexes!
—{Basic Selecting}—
Click a hex and start dragging your mouse around to select a bunch of hexes!
Releasing your mouse and clicking somewhere else will deselect all hexes you selected however, you can hold [Shift] to persist selection.
If you are done with your selection, press [F] to deselect every hex, this will only work while in [Select]
Alternatively, you can hover your mouse over the selected counter on the toolbar.
Doing this will turn the text red, and then clicking on it will deselect all hexes, even if you’re not in [Select]
Your selected hexes will persist to every tool and their actions will only affect the selected!
—{Color Flood Select}—
Pressing [C] will engage [Color Flood Select]
Clicking on a hex will then make the plugin search for any hexes of that same color if it’s a neighbor to that hex.
—{Global Selection??}—
Toggling this option will instead select every hex on the map that has the same of the selected hex.
—{Direct Select}—
With your selected hexes, press [V] to do a direct select, which will deselect your hexes and select them directly on [Workspace]
These actions cannot be undone!
A confirmation to proceed will show up just in case.
—{Flip Hexes}—
Pressing [B] will flip your selected hexes upside down and set them to [Inactive]
—{Close Hexes}—
Pressing [N] will close your selected hexes, giving them a bottom face.
—{Deleting Hexes}—
Pressing [Backspace] will delete your selected hexes.
—{Engage Line Selection Mode}—
Holding [SPACE] with engage [Line Selection Mode]
While holding space, click a hex to select your starting point for your line
After that, while you move your mouse around, your line will be created in real-time!
Select your endpoint hex to finalize your line.
Basic Line
Selects hexes normally in most directions.
At certain diagonals, it will miss some hexes. -
Lerp Line
Selects hexes using a lerp method.
Fixes the diagonal problem but in certain straight-line directions, it doubles the width of the line.
—{Engage Radial Select Mode}—
Holding [LeftControl] will engage [Radial Select Mode]
Click and drag from a hex to make a radial selection!
—{Engage Deselect Mode}—
Pressing [LeftAlt] will engage [Deselect Mode]
Simply use your brush to deselect hexes!
—{Select Outer}—
Pressing [R] will turn your selection blob into a ring shape.
{2} Elevate
Welcome to the [Elevate Tool], use it to terraform your territory!
While the EPIC generation could do some of the work for you, it is up to you to clean it up and make it awesome!
—{Basic Elevateing}—
Click any hex on your map and it will create its range of influence and a blue handle.
Click and drag that handle up or down to start terraforming!
Releasing the handle will set the hexes’ position and fill in the gaps.
—{Easing Styles}—
Easing Directions
Clicking the box that says [in] will cycle through different easing directions, these will alter how your easing style affects the terrain.
Easing Styles
Clicking the box that says [Quad] will open a list of easing styles that you can choose. These styles will give your mountains or hills a bit more shape variety!
Input a number in the strength box to specify how much power your tool will have, this will also update the range indicators on the tool.
It is highly recommended to use a decimal for the strength input! (0 - 1)
Input a number in the range box to specify the range of influence that your tool will have, this will also update the range indicators on the tool.
—{Toggle Fill In}—
Pressing [T] will toggle between [True] or [False] on this option.
Toggling this option will determine if you want the plugin to fill the gaps when you let go of the handle.
—{Elevation Break}—
Pressing [I] will toggle between [True] or [False] on this option.
Elevation break when [True] will prevent elevation from selecting hexes over gaps, while [False] will be its normal selection behavior.
When toggling, it will update its selection range.
Be careful though, this action takes a long time to process, especially in high-range inputs.
—{Basic Selection Elevating}—
These features will only work if you have selected hexes from [Select]
If you have selected hexes when you are using this tool, only the selected will be affected and the handle will be created immediately.
When you drag the handle, all hexes will move at once opposed to the easing style.
—{Selection Easing}—
Pressing [Y] will toggle between [True] or [False] on this option
Selection easing will change the handle position on the currently hovered hex and the terraforming will act similarly to normal terraforming, while only still affecting the selected.
—{Change Handle Position}—
Pressing [R] will change the handle position to the currently hovered hex, and it will update the range of influence.
You can place the handle outside the selected hexes if you want.
—{Toggle Stretch Down}—
Pressing [U] will set the handle position at the bottom of the hex.
Dragging the handle will stretch the hexes downward instead of elevating them.
Keep in mind that when stretching hexes, any objects placed at the bottom will not move with the hex.
{3} Smooth
Welcome to the [Smooth Tool], use it to smooth out your territory!
—{Basic Smoothing}—
Using the brush, click and drag around the area to smooth out hexes on your map, easy!
—{Smooth Tools}—
Shrinks or reduces the heights of the affected hexes -
Flattens the area to an average amount -
Watering Can
Grows or increases the heights of the affected hexes
Input a number in the strength box to specify how much power your smoothing will have.
It is highly recommended to use a very low decimal for the strength input! (0.02 - 0.1)
—{Toggle Fill In}—
Pressing [T] will toggle between [True] or [False] on this option
Toggling this option will determine if you want the plugin to fill the gaps when you release the mouse after smoothing.
—{Flatten Selected To}—
Will flatten all the selected hexes to the hex with the lowest height -
Will flatten all the selected hexes to an average height -
Will flatten all the selected hexes to the hex with the highest height
{4} Color
Welcome to the [Color Tool], use it to color your territory!
—{Basic Coloring}—
When you switch to this tool, your TerraformCore’s Hex will be automatically selected.
Change the Core Hex’s Color/BrickColor
to have your brush apply that color to hexes.
The brush can also apply Transparency, Material, and Reflectance.
If you had selected hexes from [Select] and then switched to this tool, then all the selected hexes will instantly change to the Core Hex properties.
The selected hexes will also update when you update the Core Hex properties.
—{Copy Color}—
If you have created layers, then you can click the little hexagon on a layer to copy its color to the Core Hex for a quick switch.
Alternatively, you can hold [Shift] and then click on a hex to copy its color directly.
{5} Objects
Welcome to the [Objects Tool], use it to decorate your territory!
—{Basic Objectsing}—
This is the place where you can start placing objects or structures!
Objects are the spices of your map so make sure it tastes great!
Hover your mouse over any hex and a preview of your equipped object will show, then click to place your object!
—{Switching Objects}—
In the bottom right of your screen is the objects window and there are three rows, in order from top to bottom: Main Categories, Subcategories, Objects
Clicking the arrows will cycle through the available stuff in that row or you can click the box directly to open a menu to show everything!
—{Direct Place}—
Clicking the down arrow button in the objects menu will place the object’s model in front of your camera.
The model is in its standalone form, without the funky value added from the plugin.
(_Id, Cellstate, Anchorpoint)
—{Refresh Objects}—
Clicking the spinny arrows button in the objects menu will refresh the menu.
Use it after you add or edit custom objects!
—{Cloning Objects}—
Holding [Shift] and hovering over an object will highlight the object.
Clicking that highlighted object will clone the object and switch your equipped object with that one!
There are four modes in this tool, use [Z], [X], or click the box to cycle through them!
You can also hover your mouse over the mode box to show a quick menu!
This mode lets you place your objects on your map. -
Hover your mouse on an object, when it is highlighted, you can click it to grab it.
Allowing you to move the object somewhere else.
Then click again to place it on its new hex! -
Hover your mouse on an object, when it is highlighted, you can click it to directly select it in [Workspace]
You can also hold shift to persist selection. -
Lets you create your own objects!
More info is in the [Other!! :o] section in this documentation. -
Hover your mouse on an object, when it is highlighted, you can click it to make it go bye-bye!
Deleting the object does not revert the cell states it has affected.
—{Object Position}—
Whether you want to place your objects on top or below the hexes.
—{Placement Interaction}—
There are three types of interactions, click the box to cycle through them!
Prevents you from placing an object on a hex that already has one. -
Replaces the placed object on a hex when the current object you have equipped.
Does not revert the cell states the previous object has affected. -
You can put as many objects as you want on a hex.
—{Preview Transparency}—
The number determines how translucent the object preview will be when you hover over a hex.
Going lower than 0.75 will cause the preview to cast a shadow.
—{Rotating Objects / Rotation Increment}—
The rotation increment box is how much your object will turn.
Pressing [R] will rotate your object preview counterclockwise
Pressing [T] will turn your object preview clockwise
When pressing either of those keys, [Random Rotation] will be turned off.
—{Random Rotation}—
Clicking the little square will toggle it on/off.
While on, every object you place will have a random rotation for variety.
If off, then it won’t randomly rotate your objects.
{6} State
Welcome to the [State Tool], use it to state your territory!
—{Basic Stateing}—
When you switch to this tool everything is blue??!?!?
Maybe some red or grey???
Don’t worry these are the cell states!
Hexaria itself uses these cell states for some combat stuff and other backend pasta.
So, with your brush you can apply cell states to hexes, but what do these colors mean?
Pressing [Space] will open up the state menu!
Choose a state and you can now set hexes to that state!
If you had selected hexes from [Select] and then switched to this tool, then all the selected hexes will instantly change to [Active]
—{How They Work}—
As mentioned, they’re for Hexaria but how specifically?
Active / Blue
Active hexes can appear in combat, allowing combat to be engaged and for the combatants to walk around in and die in. -
Blocked / Grey
Blocked hexes can also appear in combat and engage combat to start, however, they act like obstacles that the combatants have to walk around.
They can even act like view blockers to mess up ranged attacks!
Examples: tall grass in Cambris, rocks in Olbrek, or Lovelost crystals -
Inactive / Red
These hexes will not appear in combat and will not allow combat to engage, even one inactive hex can prevent combat from being created!
Example: Kishuf edges
—{Un/Locking States}—
Locking states will apply a lock icon on top of a hex
A locked state will prevent the plugin from altering the hex’s state.
Whether from state brushing, cleaning states, or object placing. -
Unlocking a state makes the hex’s state editable again
—{Cleanup States}—
Clicking this button will clean up all your cell states on your map.
What it does is set all hexes back to active then reapplies their states based on the
objects on your map.
Use it if you have any rouge cell states that are there for no reason or are not bonded to an object
{7} Generate
Welcome to the [Generate Menu], and use it to alter your territory!
—{Basic Generateing}—
This isn’t a tool! It’s a menu!!!
For other tools…
Most of the information is shown in their descriptions but here is more info!
—{Map Info List}—
Shows all the info that your map has when you generated it!
How interesting…
Models usually consist of vertices which are points in space (coordinates), you can perform math operations to draw a face (surfaces) with the selected vertices.
In general, larger faces or textures can consume more performance resources in a 3D rendering environment like Roblox.
—{Generate Objects}—
You will need to select hexes first before you can add objects!
You can click the [V] to minimize the menu, allowing you to see your generated objects better.
Your list will reset when you switch tools so be careful typing your inputs.
—{Generate Hexagons}—
Hover your mouse on the side of a hex and it will show a preview of a new hex!
Click to add it and you can click and drag for quick creation.
—{Regenerate Map}—
You cannot undo a deleted map!
When your previous map is moved, it will be under:
[ServerStorage] → [HexariaMapReserve]
I Can't Use Keybinds
The plugin’s keybinds may interfere with Studio’s keybinds due to how it was originally coded.
You can change Studio’s keybinds by going to:
File -> Advanced -> Customize Shortcuts...
Then in [Search Actions], type in the keybind that is interfering with the plugin’s keybind.
Next, double-click the shortcut input box then right-click → Clear Shortcut
Make sure you save your changes!
Creating Your Own Objects
To get started, switch your tool to [Objects] then use [Z] or [X] to cycle to [Create]
Next, click the button inside the little window to choose what you want to make.
🌲Creating Main/Subcategories
Make sure you have the group of objects you want to create.
Important: Object conversion will only work with [Models] and [BaseParts]
Select your group of objects,
Right-click your selection then click [Group As a Folder]
Name your folder real quick!
- If you’re creating a [Main Category] then make sure it doesn’t share a name with another
- If you’re creating a [Subcategory] then it can’t make one if there are no custom [Main Categories]
In [Create] click your new folder and the plugin will automatically convert them to objects!
Then depending on which category you made, these are where to look now!
Main Category
Follow the steps mentioned from the [Output] and start placing!! :3
🌲Creating A Singular Object
Get the object that you want to convert.
Important: Object conversion will only work with [Models] and [BaseParts]
In [Create] click the object that you want to convert into an object
After the plugin converts it to an object you should get this message
Follow the steps mentioned from the [Output] and start placing!! :3
🌲Adding To The Official Stuff
Create a folder under your [My_Custom_Objects]
Title it based on existing main categories / Trees, Rocks, Shrubs, Extras -
Create another folder for the main one, this is your subcategory
Name it based on a subcategory that the main category has / Trees = Winter, Forest, Desert
Then add your objects to that folder!
When your objects load/refresh, your objects will be stuffed in that subcategory!!
To make a separate category instead…
Name the subcategory folder whatever you want, then put some objects in there
When your objects load/refresh, that main category will have that new subcategory!!
and :|
are restricted from accessing btw
🌲Adjusting Object CellState, Radius, or AnchorPoint
Select the object that you want to adjust and click its dropdown to show its [Children]
Click the property you want to adjust
When an object is placed, the object will tell surrounding hexes to turn into the CellState the object has.
Change the [Value] to either Active
, Blocked
, or Inactive
Make sure it’s spelled correctly or it will error the plugin!
This is the range of influence that the object will have to tell other hexes to change their CellState when the object is placed.
Set it to any number higher or equal to zero.
The AnchorPoint of the object is the offsetted position that the object will take when placed.
Changing the AnchorPoint takes a little more work.
Move your object from its folder in [ServerStorage] and drag it to the [Workspace]
Find your object or press [F] to teleport to it.
Click its dropdown and find [AnchorPoint]
Using Studio’s move tool, adjust the position of the AnchorPoint.
You can set its [Transparency] to 0 to see it better. -
When you’re done, move your object back to its original folder and refresh the objects menu!
Tips n' Tricks
Want to know some tips or tricks or even both??
I think this is the right place.
🔨Get Good At Building
🔨Basic Ideas
—{Map Size}—
Remember the 50 - 100 edge recommendation!
If it lags for you then it will most likely lag for others, think of the mobile players!! D:
You can make the map bigger if you want but I recommend the tip below this dropdown.
If you took the time to look at Hexaria’s maps they all have some sort of color palette.
Get a color palette and turn those colors into layers, that way you can quickly switch!
- Taller mountains/hills have their peaks gradually changing color.
- Apply your palette to the map’s objects, like trees’ leaves and grass.
—{Combat Zones}—
If you’re thinking of having enemies run around the area, think of a dedicated combat zone for them.
- Will there be enough space to engage multiple combat zones?
~ Remember, the combat zone increases when more people join! - Will there be enough combat zones?
~ We adventurers love our solo strats, keep out!
~ Who needs friends when we have alts taking up the battles?? - Will there be enough room for players to avoid some of them? (optional)
- Are the objects going to be a hindrance to the combatants?
Add some hotspots in your map that may or may not be important.
These hotspots can include a shop/quest NPCs, secret items/locations, raid, or just a general decorated area.
- Space out your hotspots that way players can be forced to walk to them
~ This allows them to explore more of your map, or annoy them with more walking!
Your map needs some flavor, plop some objects and models on there!
- The objects in the menu are limited but you can always make your own
~ Don’t be demotivated that you’re probably not a good modeler, you’ll get better at it! - Create pathways
~ It will help players know where to go and give your map more life! - Resize the objects
~ This adds some randomness and variety to those tree heights and rocks! - Remember your combat zones and clean-up states!
Play-test your map! See what it looks like from the player’s point of view.
If there is anything odd-looking or something that breaks with player interaction, you can fix it!
- Did you make some hexagons too high to climb over?
🔨Break Apart Your Map
Hexaria’s maps are usually floating islands that make you fall into a void or can be an odd fast travel.
However, doing this can help with lag reduction with the unholy amount of parts a small map can have.
How to begin?
EPIC Generation
Let the plugin do the work for you!
Set a filter on the list as the X and a Less Than.
Generate your EPIC map then you’re finished! -
This will allow you a bit more freedom on how you want your islands to look.
Generate your map normally, then color the sections that you want to keep!
Color them in a way that they’re shaped like islands.
When you are done delete the excess hexes.
I suggest you don’t use the [Color Flood Select] as that could lag your device.
Instead, create a new layer using your base island color, then deactivate it.
Now, go around and select chunks of the excess hexes and delete them.
However, I could recommend that you don’t delete the excess hexes just yet.
What you could do is create a new layer then select the outlier color and deactivate it.
- You can increase the size of the islands if you want to later by coloring more in.
- You can add more islands if you want or create hexagonal bridges.
- *Arguably you could just use [Cell Creation]
🔨Creating A Cave Map
This is pretty simple to do, all you gotta do is generate two maps!
Yay, lag!
Generate a new map
Then go to [Generate] → [Regenerate Map]
Then with the [Move!! :3] option, generate another map -
After you generated your two maps, choose one to be in [Workspace] and the other to be editable under [HexMapBin]
With the one under [Workspace], move it above your main map and flip it upside down, now you have a roof!
-The Other Way
Instead of flipping the map upside down, you can select all the hexes in [Select] and then fill in all the hexes.
- Terraform the main map to stretch the hexes to create walls reaching toward the roof, this will enclose the area.
It is recommended to set your game lighting to night cause if you haven’t noticed, the roof has created jagged shadows on your map!
You can terraform the roof by switching your main map to [Workspace] and the roof under [HexMapBin] though it might be a bit awkward to terraform with.
🔨Optimizing Your Map
Hexaria maps have a lot of hexagons and a lot of parts loaded at one time is very straining to your device. (weak!)
Heck, your device might not even handle this plugin! (weak! x2)
While there are a few measurements in the plugin to help map performance like HexaAlign and other backend stuff, it’s not enough!
Anyway, there are a few ways to optimize your map to help others delay their PC or phone from exploding.
For the best explanation about optimizing, especially meshes, take a look at this very helpful devforum post!
If you’re a modeler or builder and don’t know about those tricks, then I’ll be very sad…
Here are a couple of examples to put optimizing to use:
—{An Unreachable Island}—
These places can’t be reached anyway, so there is no need to render and calculate so much stuff!
Set all hexes CollisionFidelity to Box
Disable all hexes CanCollide, CanTouch, CanQuery, and CastShadow
Do similar adjustments to the objects on the island, but change their RenderFidelity to Performance or Automatic if possible.
Apply what you read from the post to the objects you have on your map.
Like turning off CastShadow and CanCollide for tiny objects
Apply them to your MapObjects Folder in the TerraformCore that way you don’t need to repeat this!
🔨Cool Plugins
I use em for here and other builds!
Camera Light
Helps you see better if you’re building in a night zone or cave! -
Part Picker
Selects parts with similar properties! -
Percentage-Based Color Randomizer
Recolor parts based on percentage inputs, and pairs well with Part Picker! -
Mesh Optimization Tools
Optimize your meshes to the max!
Credits!! :3 :inspire:
Credits to those small or big contributions toward the plugin!
RavenShield / [redacted]
Original plugin -
Modifying the plugin -
+HexaAlign concept
+Auto AnchorPoint code
+Generate objects on selected hexes suggestion
+Random rotation increment code -
+mUSH set
+Closed hex mesh
+Inside scoop -
+Initial bug reporting
+Initial suggestions
+Cooking Campfire
+Lamp Post
+Swinging Lamp Post -
+Volk The Eyeball
+The Lost Axe
+Map Tear
+Pie Summon
+Updated Range Indicator -
+Map Height suggestion
+Random rotation increment suggestion -
↔️ Caspae1
+Object spacing suggestion -
+734 -
The various cool people who provided loading quotes!!
Anyone that used the plugin!! :3