Hey there ! I’m 14 and I’m a 9th grader living in Turkey. I’m fluent in lua and I can speak Turkish
, English
and a little bit of German
. I’ve been in the Roblox Community with various accounts I forgot their passwords
I’m offering you my services as a scripter and a UI Designer. I have nearly 2 years of experience on UI Design and scripting and I can spend 180 hours a month for development. (This can change when the school starts) I’ve started learning lua in 2017 and started commisions in 2018.
Here’s some scripting stuff that I can present for this portfolio . Keep in mind I am not limited to these.
Checkpoint System
Checkpoint System - YouTube
Round System
Round System - YouTube
Placement Module:
Placement System - YouTube
Barber Tycoon Shop / Hypabel - YouTube
Plot Selection:
Roblox Plot Selection Test 1 - YouTube
Another Shop:
Terrain Generation:
Minecraft Terrain Test - YouTube
Loading Screen:
Main Menu and Selection Screen:
I’m available at least five hours a day, 180 hours a month. Eventhough this can change when the schools start it won’t effect the delivery because I do my work as fast and good and possible.
For Scripting:
Per Asset:
Thanks for reading!