Hey I’d be really happy if you could review these ads I have and honest opinion

Which one feels better? Suggestions on better ads? What is it you want to know about a game that will make you click it?


To be honest I wouldn’t really click any of them. I know it’s probably your art style to do it like that, but having a hand drawn ad makes it look unprofessional

My honest opinions:

  1. Way to much text. The whole idea of an ad is to make it appealing to the eye, and whenever I see an ad that has a whole paragraph of text, I usually just ignore the ad.

  2. Colors don’t blend well together, and there are too many of them. Sticking to a color pallet (such as red/blue, black/white, yellow/green, etc.) will make your ad look more professional, and much more appealing to the eye.

  3. Hand-drawn ads. I agree with @Dev_Diablo on this one, and I don’t see hand-drawn ads as very professional (this is just my personal opinion).

Overall, I don’t see these ads getting many clicks. When I think of a professional ad that is appealing to the eye, I see colors that match, limited text, and nicely rendered images.

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, these are just my personal opinions.

Like the others, I don’t really like any of these.
I’ll be honest: This is not meant to offend but, I think that you made these ads in Microsoft paint, so most of these tips apply mostly to Microsoft paint.
here are a few tips on how to improve on these:

  1. the colors seem like the default colors, I highly discourage the use of the default colors, except for black, white, both the grays. try not to use the other colors otherwise, and maybe try to make your own? ^v^

  2. the shapes (especially the noob’s face and the boxes that the text are in) seems like you used the default shapes, it is better if you use the “curve” tool instead. try to avoid using the other tools, unless they fit.

  3. the line art seems messy. again, try using the “curve” tool for easy, yet better, lines.

  4. try limiting your colors to only what you need, and try finding more complementary colors, you can also try to search up what colors can mean for reference. ^v^

  5. in general, it is not a good idea to use Microsoft paint, so maybe try another free software? I recommend Krita or Ibis paint X, both of which are free! :slight_smile: (though I am pretty sure Ibis paint X is exclusive to mobile devices only. .-.')

I hope this helped you. ^v^

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Out of these, I would only click the second one. I didn’t feel like reading any of the text. The second one has a unique ‘camera’ angle, and the idea of racing on one of those dangerous mountain roads is interesting. However, if someone isn’t familiar with that kind of road, maybe they wouldn’t click it.

Perhaps you were going for comedic value with the noob’s face on the first one, but to me it’s gross and revolting (To be clear, nothing against you personally, that’s just how I feel about the ad).

In the third ad it isn’t apparent what’s going on unless you look very closely. At a glance I would probably tune this out as white noise.

The fourth ad… I know I wouldn’t click it, but I don’t have an immediate reason why. It just doesn’t interest me.

Thanks so much I’ll render them better next time.

I actually like the design unlike others.

If I saw this add I probably wouldn’t click on it. It has a lot of random colors and when it’s hand drawn it doesn’t look that great. I’d say don’t mix magenta with lime green and dark red and maybe try some fonts to make it more attractive.