Hello, i am making a vehicle and there are some click detectors within it,
why? when the part is clicked it has to do something or when the part has a mouse hovered on it, it needs to show something
when the vehicle moves the click detector becomes near impossible (i tried using surface gui with buttons)
any possible fix or a different method? thank you
July 17, 2022, 5:04am
Where is the ClickDetector stored? It may be because the hitbox to click is too small. Screenshots of the model and explorer would be nice.
here, in the plane body model
heres a image with the part highlighted
July 17, 2022, 5:18am
You could possibly try creating a large invisible box which contains the click detector. Also make sure the character is smoothly attached to the plane when it’s moving.
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kk ill try it, thank you for the suggestion
hey as a fix (for anyone else reading) i used proximity prompts with require line of sight set to false
July 17, 2022, 5:39am
Nice, just make sure to mark your reply as the solution