So basically I want to Save whatever the player builds into datastore but idk how to do that can anyone help me its basically like BloxBurg but yeah I want to make it so they can load their house or whatever. Thank You!
You can save a list by JSONEncoding it. The format may be something like this:
ItemID = 0xDEADBEEF, --You would need a unique id for each placeable item
X = 10, --X location of the placed object
Z = 12, --Z location of the placed object
Rotation = 3 --I'm imagining a square grid, you would only need [0-3] for the rotation, each increment means another 90 degree turn
--... add more entries for each placed item
I don’t know if i could let you in my game i can pay you some robux or if you can help me for free it would make my day im really having issues with this
I don’t have much time today, I might be able to work on something over the weekend. Send me a DM as a reminder and I’ll see what I can do tomorrow
thank you so much and do u want me to pay u?