Hi! How can I make a table with some information? with Live statistics board

Someone knows how to make something like this!

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To make a table with info, you can do this:

local MagicalTable = { -- Our Table

Text = "Text";
Number = 1;
UndefinedValue = nil; -- our 3rd Value


UndefinedValue = "hi" -- Assigns the nil value to this
print(MagicalTable[3]) -- prints the 3rd Object in the Table

Simple! Here’s the syntax:

local table_name = {item1, item2, item3...}

Or, you could define it empty:

local table_name = {}

And then add items later:

table_name[2] = item

Another type of table is called a dictionary. It looks like this:

local dict = {
    "Key": Value
    "Key2": Value2

Access them like this:

dict.Key = 2
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Umm okay but we need with Live statistics board

A “live” global stats board requires more intermediate information regarding DataStoreService and MessagingService. I suggest you learn most of the basics of lua before diving straight into this kind of stuff. However, if you would like to read about it on Roblox’s official website, here are the links:
Datastore:UpdateAsync() - ex: global gold earned, global mythic pets ever hatched

MessagingService - used for live “events”, global announcements, display a count of all active players