"Hidden Surface Removal AssetId..." Spam

Reproduction Steps
I don’t know what the cause of this is but it is very intrusive and preventing me from reading actual logs from the console while debugging my game

Expected Behavior
I expect the console to display useful information and not useless spam

Actual Behavior

Spams console with [Hidden Surface Removal AssetId for [Body part]

We do not understand what this message means nor the cause of it

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-17 00:02:00 (+07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-02-17 00:02:00 (+07:00)


I am having this issue as well right after it updated my roblox studios.

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TYSM for posting this here :).

This error stopped happening in one of my games but is still occurring in the others.

We’re seeing this warning in our games as well, we weren’t sure if we caused it.

Hi thanks for reporting this. Do you think you can send an rbxl file of your place so I can take a look? Thanks!

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Would this have something to do with “hsr mesh id data for (LIMB) is empty when upload” errors I’m receiving on my place as well?

Happens whenever I publish my place to the website.

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This is happening in every one of our games live+studio. I don’t think this is specific game related.

This has happend In everyones games, I don’t think its game specified as said above.

Are you guys having problem accessing your datastore because of that error? because I can’t access mine because of that error. It won’t load my game.

No, since it’s only a warning, it won’t stop the script.

It’s weird, my game doesn’t load in my studio because of that error

I have the same bug but also I get spammed with these whenever I use the testing mode under the “Clients and Servers” tab:

I made a temporary fix for that. Let me know if the warning does not show up if you restart the studio.
Also, it will be helpful if you can send a place that has warnings shown before so I can take a deep investigation into it and see if some cases are missing. Thanks and sorry for the trouble!


I can confirm that the problem has been resolved as I experienced the same issue before.

Can also confirm the issue is now fixed on my end!

Yeah it doesn’t show anymore. Hopefully someone can send a place that has this warning so the roblox staff can take a deep investigation of the problem. I wanted to send my place but I don’t have the permission to do so.

Now I am seeing this in the server output: Failed to upload hidden surface removal data. Exceeded limit. Try again in a few minutes. (x319) - Studio

Hi after publishing the place, is the problem fixed for you? If it is, can you file another bug report for the new one? Thanks!

The error is still happening today in Studio in the output window when I publish. See the screenshot from studio below. Interesting that the number changed between the two publishs. I did a “publish to Roblox as” and overwrote an existing test place.

I am unable to file a new bug report. Can you rank me to regular member so I can?

I published again, the next day, and now it worked with no “hidden surface removal. Exceeded limit.” messages. Maybe the limit was increased? If so, thank you.

I continued to experience this message since February, but yesterday was able to identify the source of this error in my game:

3 skinned accessories were the problem. They included WrapLayers that were not functioning correctly. Removing the WrapLayer eliminated this message!

The WrapLayer issue:

The inner and outer cages I had assigned to them were broken because of an old loading issue for custom avatars.:

That’s all. The import failed, the WrapLayer never worked, and the existence of a broken WrapLayer produces this error message while saving.