Hide content deleted items from avatar shop

The avatar shop has been increasingly filling with content deleted items clogging up clothing categories and search results, and it would make finding clothing easier if these content deleted/moderated items did not appear.

Examples of the issue:
T-shirts relevant has several content deleted items on the front page

Shirts relevance also has several content deleted items

Clothing search for the word “cool” shows more content deleted items than available items

Clothing search for the term “blue shirt” also shows more content deleted items than available items, many of these results have not been updated in years, and presumably moderated years ago.

This issue isn’t only affecting clothing, it also shows in the Community Creations category, granted on a much smaller scale.

These items have been moderated for a reason, and they should not be cluttering up the avatar shop, especially since you can neither purchase or wear them (Despite having a price assigned, the buy button is disabled)

The avatar shop could be a little cleaner without these moderated items showing :slight_smile: