Hide crosshair when aiming in FE Gun Kit

The image above shows me aiming down sights, but the crosshair still shows but I wish for it not to be visible when am aiming because I have the sight attachment with it’s own red crosshair. As also revert it when the player is not aiming.

I have tried messing inside Gun Client script, but when I tried it wouldn’t give me a error or anything it just wouldn’t work. I checked every local script as I don’t think I would change the crosshair visibility inside a normal script

This isn’t a modded FE Gun Kit, its the original one if anyone want’s to know.

Aiming is handled by the PrimaryPart inside the gun’s GunClient script.
If you name that part AimPart you can use the following code to hide the crosshair.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local character = player.Character
local tool = character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA(‘Tool’)
local client = tool:FindFirstChild(‘GunClient’)

local function setVisibility(visible)
client.AimPart.Crosshair.Visible = visible



This will set the visibility of the crosshair when you press and release your left mouse button.

No that’s not where you disable crosshair, That’s just going to make it worse and that’s not where settings are :smiling_face_with_tear:

Go to settings and edit it’s scale to 0 while aiming, if you don’t want the dots then drag GunGUI to StarterGui and set the Center transparency to 1.

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uh, where in the setting is that?

in the weapon modules, you can customize your weapons settings and inside there should be a crosshair setting

ReplicatedStorage > Modules > WeaponSetting > Gun > {tool name} > Settings > 1

i found out, so it is settings>iron sight>crosshair size bla bla = 0

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