Hide Past Usernames On Profile

I need this so bad, if this becomes a feature they shouldn’t make it paid for sure.


Bumping this!

I know this is off topic but you should also be able to hide your profile itself from specific players or it should automatically hide your profile from people whom you have blocked.


honestly i dont even know why they keep past usernames taken

ive been looking for a new username, one really good one was taken by a user who had changed their username to something else, its just mildly infuriating


That’s because it is to prevent people abusing username system to impersonate you as old name.


theres only a handful of people who are both famous enough to be impersonated and have a fanbase that can be fooled by an impersonator, and those people dont really change their username much anyway, so i dont see why the entire platform has to deal with it

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Roblox is the only mainstream platform that ties you to your old usernames with no way to remove or hide them. If enough people express their opinion on this, they will have to acknowledge it at some point.


i agree if i’m honest with you,

there are some people who got doxxed in the past or such and want to get rid of such identity;
plus and if we are talking about moderation, user ids exist afterall y’know


To prevent impersonation.

They should give us the ability to hide past names. I would give people the ability to pick and choose what past names they want displayed. But they absolutely should not free past usernames, unless someone releases the name; that could also be a good feature.

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doesn’t the right of being forgotten exist in the EU? can’t u inform them of ur rights

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Their profile says that they live in the United States. :eagle: :us: :boom:

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I agree with this post,

Where is the oil🦅


this is a very important update for privacy and should be implemented

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oh and one of my past usernames appears in a data breach so that’s fun ;-;

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We really need this. It’s long overdue.


Bump, been wanting this for years.

If implemented- I think it would still be good to be able to find people by their hidden names in user search.


We need this feature. There’s already a million replies about why.



Welp, it looks like they’ve successfully implanted this today since I’ve noticed that accounts now have their past usernames hidden.

People can still use past usernames to look up specific players if they still remember what they were called before, but that’s about it.


A Roblox Admin confirmed this is an official change.

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Unfortunately, previous usernames being removed from user profiles isn’t a permanent change. The only thing that will be permanent is no longer being able to see one’s previous usernames in Search. Previous usernames will be visible again on user profiles in early December.


I completely agree with the OP, especially since some usernames actually destroy your privacy. Its been a requested feature for so long now, it would be so cool to actually hide your usernames.


Or if you picked a username that was younger or didn’t know meant something bad, you could be able to remove specific names from the list or hide the list entirely.

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