Hide Quotes/Solutions of Ignored Users on DevForum

Recently I have been ignoring users that I believe to be mass posting copy and pastes from ChatGPT.

The problem I have noticed is that quotes by ignored users continue to get displayed.
Ideally these should be hidden too.

I imagine this could be achieved by checking all quotes to see if the owner is marked as ignored and then not displaying that in the post.

I would expect that when you ignore a user, all content posted by them including quotes from that content used by others should all be hidden.

Ultimately the ability for us to ignore users should give us that little bit of control over what content we want to see on the forums.

– Just to add, I’ve also noticed that solutions to threads also get displayed even if the solution came from an ignored user.


So you still see quotes and solutions of ChatGPT copy and pastes…

I see quotes and solutions of content by users that I have toggled “Ignore User” for.

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