Hide the Store tab if there are no GamePasses

Pretty straight forward. If you aren’t the creator of the game, you shouldn’t have to see a Store tab that’s empty.

Also, possibly an ability to show DevProducts on the Store tab would be unique. For example, the developer could choose to show their game’s currency DevProducts on the store tab.

Showing Developer Products there doesn’t make sense, all you would be seeing is a picture and a name and you can’t buy them through the website anyway.

Maybe a new type of repurchas-able item to show? It would be a nice way to get more purchases

ROBLOX leaves it up to you to market your developer products in-game. The store tab isn’t shown by default anymore, so you have a better chance of success at selling them in-game by placing them in better locations than the store tab.

OT: It’d also be nice if the leaderboards tab was hidden if there was nobody with points for the game, and it’d be nice if there were a changelog tab for games that you could update.

[quote] ROBLOX leaves it up to you to market your developer products in-game. The store tab isn’t shown by default anymore, so you have a better chance of success at selling them in-game by placing them in better locations than the store tab.

OT: It’d also be nice if the leaderboards tab was hidden if there was nobody with points for the game, and it’d be nice if there were a changelog tab for games that you could update. [/quote]

I’m just on an agree streak with you today