"Hide Water', a very simple plugin that can temporarily hide terrain water!

I’ve created a simple plugin, based off of this post here that allows you to toggle the visibility of terrain water!
It achieves this by setting the WaterWaveSize to NaN (0/0)!

You can get it at Water Hider - Roblox

or you can get the code directly:

local Toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Water Remover")
local ToggleButton = Toolbar:CreateButton("Toggles Water Visibility", "Toggles Water Visibility", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=12702994240")
local Hidden = plugin:GetSetting("Hidden"..game.PlaceId) or false
if Hidden then
	local Store = Instance.new("NumberValue", game.Workspace.Terrain)
	Store.Name = "OriginalWaveSize"
	Store.Value = plugin:GetSetting("Original"..game.PlaceId) or workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize ~= 0/0 and game.Workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize or  0.15
	workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize = 0/0

function Toggle()
	Hidden = not Hidden
	plugin:SetSetting("Hidden"..game.PlaceId, Hidden)

	if Hidden then
		local Store = Instance.new("NumberValue", game.Workspace.Terrain)
		Store.Name = "OriginalWaveSize"
		Store.Value = workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize
		plugin:SetSetting("Original"..game.PlaceId, workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize)
		if game.Workspace.Terrain:FindFirstChild("OriginalWaveSize") then
	workspace.Terrain.WaterWaveSize = Hidden and 0/0 or 
		(workspace.Terrain:FindFirstChild("WaterWaveSize") and workspace.Terrain:FindFirstChild("WaterWaveSize").Value or .15)


local Action = plugin:CreatePluginAction("ToggleWaterPluginAction", "Toggle Water Visibilty", "Toggles the visibility of terrain water.", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=12702994240")

It SHOULD save, however I didn’t conduct extensive testing. If you encounter any issues, feel free to let me know and I’ll fix them up first chance I get!


Update 1: Added PluginAction so you can bind the plugin to a keyboard shortcut!


I’m not sure why I would need to use this.

Maybe any games/projects centered around underwater exploration or assets placed underwater? Nonetheless, it’s a unique tool for a unique job.


It is for whenever you need to adjust something underneath terrain water, but can’t really see what you are doing!

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This is amazing. Very clever to set the wave size to NaN.

Will you be adding PluginAction support to this so I can bind the plugin to my keybinds?

Small QoL plugins like this I love.

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Hadn’t realised that was a thing I could!
It has now been added!


Why not use attributes?

Anyways, this is a great resource. I didn’t know you could even hide water like this.

Might change it to use attributes later on

If you toggle the water off then undo the water returns.

I think if you detect a undo waypoint you can set the water’s visibility after the undo.

This plugin is fantastic. Thank you.

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thanks a ton, helped me with my game