Hideout Hotels Handbook Guide

Interview Guide
You must be rank 14+ to host an interview.

Shout the time prior to about 30 minutes before it starts. (template below)

How to write your session: [Interview] An interview will be at (Time & timezone), hosted by (Username) 10+ may help| Ranks 1 should attend.

About 5 minutes until it starts, name the people
Ex: :name orange4477 Founder

I will now go over the rules that will help you pass. Please pay good attention!
Rules for trainees:
l | Make sure you use grammar at all times, using grammar will increase your chances of passing your interview.

ll | Once you have passed your interview, you will be ranked to “lll | Trainee”. You will need to attend a training session to get your official rank.

lll | Make sure you are polite at all times during this session. Being rude will give you an automatic fail and will need to attend a future session.

l V | Be polite to your interviewer they have took time out of their day to come and interview you!

V | If you fail please don’t spam the group wall/disc. As that would lead to consequences!

V l | lll grammar strikes is a fail.

V ll | Copy & Paste is an automatic fail.

Alright, Interviewers can get started! Good luck and I wish you all the best of luck!

l | Why would you like to be a receptionist?
ll | How would you handle exploiters/hackers?
lll | How would you greet a customer?
Register Guide

You must be rank 4 to check people in, if you’re a rank 5+, you may only use the registers if there aren’t a lot of people working.

Register: Hello! Welcome to HH, my name is [name], how can I help you?
Cafe: Hello! Welcome to the HH Cafe, my name is [name], what would you like?

Cafe Responses
Ok! Anything else?
Great choice(s)! Your order will be completed soon!

Register Responses
We hope you’ll have a great stay! If you need anything, order room service.
We hope you had a great stay, feel free to come back soon!