Hiding from the Player list

im trying to implement an admin function in my game so i can be completely hidden ( i dont need transparency) as you read the title im trying to make it so i can hide from the player list. Its not impossible: here is a script i found on the interned which does do this, but im quite bad at programming. Anyways : here is the script (require) require(5136523565).eliza("LegendaryLenni") here is the model : MainModule - Roblox . Anyways screenshots comming :
Please help me

here are the screenshots (ignore the tool in the inventory)

I don’t see the problem, it seems to work. Your player instance gets deleted and people can’t find that youre in game

i dont know how to make it tho that it is only the deleting players ( its an require script and its not mine) im trying to understand it. and i want to know how the hiding works

like so i can move and chat, but im invisible to the normal players eyes (not my character)

In local scripts you can delete player instances that aren’t your own

probably something like so

for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then

ight, i will test to see if it does what i want it to do

the code gave me an error and didnt work, still ty for trying to help :smiley:

oops, i figured out what was wrong

i think its getting near the way i want it to work :smiley:

if i add an player added event, so the code activates everytime a player joins, would that work too?


Also if you don’t want them to see your player you could just do player.Character:Destroy()

Or player.xhar.humanoid.respawnenabled = false
and then player:loadchar

thank you, now, can i create a datastore which adds a value to the game wich if its set to 1 makes me invisible?

you could just do

if plr.UserId = your user id then
– invis stuff

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thank you so much for your help, i will try to implement it :smiley:

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and how do i add the detecting the value?

if val == true then

elseif val == false then


assuming it is booleanj of course

You can’t do :LoadCharacter on the client