I’m in need of help with this script. I’ve been having troubles hiding the Overhead GUI to ALL players. Recently this script has been only hiding the Local player or IG you can say just yourself. I tried making it a normal Script but that didn’t work either.
It works perfectly fine, rather than the part it is only turning on and off your own Overhead GUI when the purpose of the script is meant to turn off every overhead rank GUI.
Script :
--Making them not visible.
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do --Looping through every player
local character = v.Character -- Getting players character
local head = character.Head -- Getting head
head.VIPOverheadGui.Enabled = false -- Disabling the Billboardgui
head.OverheadGui.Enabled = false -- Enabling the Billboardgui
Heres An Image Of How I have it layed out :