My game has an alright average session time hovering around 10 minutes, but I think I should be able to get this even higher by bettering the onboarding experience. There is an extremely high funnel drop-off at a step that should only take the player a few seconds to reach according to my Onboarding Funnel data.
About 25% of please leave before hatching a pet, an event which the tutorial tells you to do only a few seconds after starting the race, which 100% of people do complete.
Then about 19% leave before buying a hammer, which is a little more understandable since that takes longer to get, but it’s still pretty bad.
I am looking for feedback and possible ideas as to how I can fix this issue. Please play the game for yourself if you’re interested in helping and let me know if there’s any trouble you run into in the onboarding process. Maybe there’s a bug or player confusion issue causing these bad Funnel analytics? I’m not sure.
Game link: 🔨 Floor Race - Roblox