Hello I have a problem with high network received and im not quite able to pinpoint what it may be. What tools or things can i use to actually track down what is causing the issue. I’ve attempted slowly removing things from what I know is apart of the issue but i wasn’t able to find out what in my game causes it.
I’d say a bunch of parts get created and delete quite often, however the network usage is seemingly random sometimes it goes up to 5kb/s and sometimes it goes up to a 100 or 300 however rarely.
September 4, 2022, 9:40pm
It could be because of remote events.
Try using this as a replacement:
BridgeNet is a networking library bundled with features to make optimizations easier, alongside optimizing remote events itself. It also has numerous features such as :FireAllInRange, and :FireToMultiple.
Documentation here .
Benchmarking / Performance
This performed way better than I expected it to. Test was run w/ 200 blank remote calls sent per frame.
BridgeNet 63 KB/s average:
Roblox, 110 KB/s average:
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It’s not my remoteEvents, as even when none are fired it still spikes.
Is this module more recommended than Knit | Knit (sleitnick.github.io)
No. Again is for programmatic remotes, which this is not the cause of my issue.
September 5, 2022, 2:26am
Sometimes spawning a lot of unanchored parts can increase network receive due to how Roblox replicates them.
You can limit how much parts you can create using PartCache.
I’ve just finished designing and testing a little module I’m calling “PartCache”.
This module is used to make the illusion of quickly creating and destroying parts for stuff like laser beams and such. This module uses CFrame to its advantage to work, since creating parts with Instance.new() can get very laggy.
Here’s a stress test. I have 64 sentries here each shooting up to 10 bullets per second. It’s completely lagless!
After zeuxcg made a post on a thread talking about how updat…
My issue was very cringe, i was welding something inside replicated storage and didn’t realize it. Thanks for your responses.
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