High PC Crash Rate & Error Reports! Help!

Hello Friends,

So we’ve been running into something really strange since release. Our game has been crashing at a much higher rate on PC than on Mobile. Our PC crash rate is averaging out around 10-13% while our Mobile crash rate is averaging out around 3-5%. We’ve been going crazy with the code optimizations but none of it seems to have impacted the PC crash rate.

Our game itself doesn’t have that many assets as well compared to some of the other larger scale games that we have. I am wondering whether or not the community has come across a similar issue before.

We have been getting an abnormally high amount of error reports for the following warnings though (see screenshot):

MeshContentProvider failed to process asset because ‘could not fetch’
Failed to load animation
Failed to load sound: Unable to download sound data

After checking, most of the meshes seem to be Roblox Player UGC items that they wear within the game and the animations also belong to the players. Has anyone ever come across this issue before?

The game is Chest Hero Simulator

It would be super helpful if someone from the community could point us in the right direction. Much appreciated!

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Crashing is a bit different from just plain errors, so I don’t think the failed loadings are the issue.

I would probably start looking if there are cases where many instances could spawn at once, or if there were a while true loop of sorts causing the issue.

It would also be good to know if the whole server crashes, or just the client. This way you can pinpoint what type of script is causing it.

Looks like we found the solution! TY for the input! Much appreciated on our end :smiley:

Can you share your solution with the forum. I’ve got the same problem in a couple of games I help with and the errors all relate to non-game related assets. Keen to know how you fixed it.


What was the cause of your issue? Currently have something similar and could do with the answer.