High PhysicsParts memory usage

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently been looking into the memory usage of my games’ map and noticed the PhysicsParts usage is quite high (130mb).

After some trial and error I narrowed down the high usage to (mainly) a group of parts which are fairly large in size (around 70, 60, 130) - they are a ‘blocky’ mountain range, pictured below.



In total there is only around 500/600 of these parts which barely takes up any GraphicsParts memory as they are just normal anchored parts (Transparency = 0 and all the other usual requirements for ‘Featherweight’ parts) however for some reason they cause really high PhysicsParts memory usage.

I’ve tried scaling all the parts down so they are physically very small and inserting specialmeshes to scale them up but that had no impact on PhysicsParts memory which is strange.

Setting all the parts to CanCollide = false also has no impact on PhysicsParts memory usage.

Any thoughts appreciated!


Have you tried checking the “Massless” property? Just a guess.

Unfortunately that had no impact on PhysicsParts memory usage :confused:

What’s your computer specs?
It might just be your computer that’s the problem.

It’s nothing to do with my computer specs as it’s the same memory usage on any server, regardless of the clients connected to it.