High ping when loading in map

Hello I have high ping when loading in a map however once the map is fully loaded in the ping is perfectly fine

I have a loading screen so everything is loaded in I just think its because of my streaming enabled settings which Is set at opportunistic Im not sure what I should do as I already went around the map deleting unnecessary parts

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Your computer might not be good at handling loading a big map like that. This is considered normal for older devices.

I have a GTX 1060 with an I5 processor that is really good for roblox

The issue isnt performance its just when you initially load in the game there is alot of high ping especially if you go to areas where the map isnt fully loaded in yet however once the area is fully loaded everything is fine and the ping is normal

Probably a client or server issue. Nothing you can really do.

This is a very common things for games to be laggy when you start it due to all the assets being loading at the same time. To fix this issue you need to consider optimizing your game as much as possible. If you haven’t you can change your StreamingIntegrityMode to PausedOutsideLoadedArea.

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Loading assets lags the system as there’s a lot of them loading.

Your PC based on perfromance might just freeze intentionally just to load that number of assets.

Your computer was not specified on what generation the processor is.
Graphics Card seems also very low.


I have a GTX 1060 and an I5 CPU processor so I doubt its my PC

Okay ill do that thanks


In other words, there’s no way you can prevent them from loading and lagging the game other than optimizing it. (less assets, less faces on models, etc.)