High Quality Builder needed for A Universal Time

A Universal Time Scripter Applications

About the game

  • A Universal Time is a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure mash-up style game
  • During September 2020 to January 2020 we were a front-page game, and had the highest player peak of any game in the community
  • The game is owned by Kur_Dev and developed by a fast-paced development team, currently in the later phases of a full game re-write

Full-time builder role
We’re currently looking for a new highly-experienced builder to work full-time on the game. Some expectations of you as a developer are:

  • High Standard - You must be capable of working to a high, consistent quality that matches / exceeds that of our competitors within the genre.

  • Dedicated - Some of our current developers balance jobs at other games, while this is not an issue, we do not want other commitments detracting from your pace at our game.

  • Creative - We expect our developers to support the game, and constantly push the limits of Roblox’s creativity, suggestion are always taken, and we’re open to new and innovative ideas that will help us compete in such a saturated market.

  • Maturity - As with most large player-based games, we expect an element of maturity from our developers, you must adhere to the rules no matter what due to the public nature of the game. We require a ‘cleaner than clean’ track record, and consistent good behaviour.

Examples of quality
Some of the current standards we want your work to match, if not beat (taken from our competitors).

Payment is done at a competitive rate, we’re a game with a large funding, and so the limitations based on payment are down to your work rate. Following the release of the new update, you have potentials to progress onto higher roles within the group, increasing your pay.
Meeting our criteria and exceeding it is always recognised, and there is amble opportunity to progress within the development team.

For your applications, please contact:

Applications are expected in decent English, and please forward examples of you work and when you are capable of starting. Applications may take an extended length of time to review, and we will not make a decision until we have read all of them.

Thank you, and good luck!



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