High-quality Open Source Revolver

I created a free, high-quality revolver. Get it here.

Have suggestions to make it better? Reply to this post, and I’ll consider it.


Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but I think those textures are overused way too much. At first I thought you just took it from the Tool Box and used it as your own, but perhaps next time you could try and make a complete different style, For example,

The Knife Could be something like:

And the Gun perhaps this?

Hopefully you understand, it’s just that seeing the same knife and gun being over textured
the same for over 5 years is getting really annoying. Please take this advice, and hopefully you may
get even better at modeling weapons then you were a few days ago.


That looks really good! Thanks for the feedback.


You could probably model it just yourself. He is most likely a scripter and you can’t expect a scripter to make insane models. Plus not everyone knows how to texture and that is currently the last priority. Next time try informing on bugs or how he can make the scripting of the revolver itself. Or add new features to it.


I was just perhapsly giving some Ideas and suggestions, I don’t mind that he uses those textures, I was just saying that he should eventually go ahead and try to make himself even better than he used to be at Developing and Creating things that most people spend a few hours/days on.

But, I mean sure I guess I will do so eventually.


I would admit this REALLY isn’t high quality, it’s exactly the same as MM2 revolver, it’s just a raycast with a laser type shot.


I completely understand, I just released this for beginners to use.

I’m sorry but this cannot be considered high quality. There are not particle effects at all and the beam looks weird.