Highlight doesn't accuratly highlight instances under a Model


My use case is that i’m using the Highlight instance to render the view of objects. through other objects, a hitbox of sorts that is visible through walls.

My design implements two models:

  • Model A
    • This model has a highlight instance, so any object parented to Model A will be highlighted.
  • Model B
    • This model is just for instances that don’t belong in Model A

I then parent the objects I want to highlight to Model A when the game is running, if I dont want them to be highlighted - they’re parented to Model B instead.

That said, that brings us onto the bug, when moving objects from Model A to Model B, they keep the highlight, which… isn’t expected, they’re no longer under a model, which has the Highlight instance. So they should loose it, right?

After further testing, I realised, if I were to select the effected instances in studio to attempt to debug them… their highlight render is removed… my theory is that - studio’s selection highlight updates the model, so there’s a disconnect where upon moving an object, outside of Model A, that models highlight should be removed.

I will provide a video, and a place file, which demo’s this bug;

Highlight Bug Place.rbxl (348.0 KB)


  1. enter the game
  2. press “update highlight” button at the bottom, center of your screen.
  3. use the explorer, see that the models have either been parented to, or from the “model” containing the highlight.
  4. use the studio highlight to update various object highlights yourself.

System Information:
Hardware Information:

Memory: 128.0 GiB
Processor: AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X × 32
Graphics: AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX
Disk Capacity: 4.0 TB

Software Information:

Firmware Version: 1003
OS Name: Arch Linux
OS Build: rolling
OS Type: 64-bit
GNOME Version: 47
Windowing System: X11
Kernel Version: Linux 6.11.0-arch1-1

Beta Features:

I have all Beta Features off, there is no Beta feature.

Expected behavior

I expect the highlight to only highlight objects under Model A.


Hi thanks for this!

I’ve been hearing about this bug for a while, but no one provided good repro case.

1 Like

still happening and is disrupting development for me.

highlightbugrepro_a.rbxl (56.3 KB)
In the provided repro, click the part. It will go in and out of the highlighted Model.
Check the script handling this to see a bit more info

Hello, any update on this? It’s currently happening to me as well, seems that using Instance.new() fixes the issue, but any highlights that exist before runtime suffer from this bug