Highlight going into other instances

My highlight is going to other parts that are touching the sword (handle)
This is different in studio where it is only the sword.

Theres no scripts messing around with the properties of the highlight

The properties

In studio
The highlight should be just going to the sword

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What happens if you apply the Highlight to only the sword mesh?


Same result happens, highlights whole body, and also


Dumb idea but maybe move the Highlight into the mesh and see if the same thing happens.


Thats why the guy above just said and ive already tried it, but its fine


Oh my bad. I liked the post and thought I read it but oops


Ah maybe try setting the Adornee property do the highlight to the mesh.

Maybe by default it just highlights all of the instances ancestors til it reaches the workspace, or not

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I believe i had done that earlier. this is a strange case because it works in studio but not in game


Hm weird. Maybe it’s something with how it’s rendered in game. I read on the documentation how it’s rendered differently depending on what platform you’re using or something like that but I’m doubtful that you’re using a different platform than a PC to test it.


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I think highlights use everything under a model.

Try using the adornee property.

I have done that aand the problem still haappens

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Make sure the highlight is only inside the handle of the sword and the adornee is this sword handle.

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ive dont that, it could be a rendering problem like doom3d said but i dont think it is

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Then what you can try is to parent the sword under a model within the tool.
It’s not ideal, but I think Tool->Handle->Model->Sword should work as a hierarchy.

‘Handle’ is a hidden part that’s just used to make the tool work.
‘Sword’ would be your current Handle.

Don’t forget to weld Handle and Sword together.


this unfortunately doesnt work

Make sure you test it in game. I found highlights to be very buggy in studio, to the point where they would highlight other parts. For me this fixed itself when playtesting.

Can you show the model, and it’s explorer?

Finally try it without a tool, maybe it just doesn’t work with tools?

Doing this solution kinda breaks the sword
The sword is also a copy of the Classic Sword by roblox

If this is needed, the sword uses a special mesh for the sword.

Weld ‘Handle’ to the ‘Sword’ using a WeldConstraint (+ make sure their cframes are the same).
Then move all children of ‘Sword’ except the Mesh to ‘Handle’. That should fix the scripts.

Or rewrite the script to use Handle.Model.Sword instead of Handle.