Highlight inside a Viewport Frame

Ok so I want to make something similar to this from Lethal Company:
My main problem is that it appears that Highlights don’t work inside Viewport Frames:
I know I could try to find a way to fake it but… what I wanted to make it’s that the highlighted object has the same shape as the actual player. So trying to fake it won’t work in this case…
(How I want it to be:)
(How it actually is because of Highlights not working in Viewports:)
If anyone could help me with this it would be really nice… however if it’s imposible I’ll have to change things a bit.


There is no way. Even with the VPF and world cameras aligned, a Highlight will not draw on top of a ViewportFrame, with any combination of zDepth trickery. You’ll see the Highlight if the ViewportFrame BackgroundTransparency is 1, because you’ll just be seeing it in the 3D world, but You’ll need to come up with a different design if your ViewportFrame has an opaque background.

I have 2 ideas how you could fake it.

  1. Put 2 viewport frames ontop eachother make background transparent on both and set the distance fron camera on the lower zindex one to be closer then set characters colors to white and black

  2. In a local script generate a highlited characyer which follows the camera so it looks like its a ui. but in reality its in normal workspace kinda how in some games there is water droplets effect on the camera.


Ok I’ll try that, thanks for replying

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Ok giving it a second thought, it’s way too much work for a single and stupid mechanic. I don’t want to spend hours on just a single detail people won’t even care about. Thanks for the ideas but I think I’ll do something else.


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