Highlight instance Completely Broken

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

I want to make a highlight apear around a part when you can interact it
But the highlight stopped working with no code change at all

Ive Tried using a instance instead of cloning a part,
hand did it,
opened a new studio , pressed ctrl i inserted it

But it still doesnt work

 if Mag < Interactions.InteractDistance then
				Interactions.Ts:Create(hl,TweenInfo.new(Interactions.PopUpSpeed),{FillTransparency = .8,OutlineTransparency = .55}):Play()
				Interactions.Ts:Create(v.PlayerGui.Interact.TextLabel,TweenInfo.new(Interactions.PopUpSpeed),{TextTransparency = 0}):Play()
				Interactions.Ts:Create(hl,TweenInfo.new(Interactions.PopUpSpeed),{FillTransparency = 1,OutlineTransparency = 1}):Play()
				Interactions.Ts:Create(v.PlayerGui.Interact.TextLabel,TweenInfo.new(Interactions.PopUpSpeed),{TextTransparency = 1}):Play()

There is no Error

i inserted it and changed no properties
and the code has no error


The same thing has happened to me but with highlights that were working prior to the recent studio update, so I’m pretty sure that highlights are completely broken right now.


Thanks. I was on the phone with my friend and his is working completely fine I didn’t know if they added a new setting that broke it or something but thank you.

Gieco Itachi

Having the same issue!!!

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I have a problem that highlights just stopped going away. In my studio when you parent a highlight to a part, you can never un-highlight that part again, doesn’t matter if you parent the highlight to something else, change the highlight’s adornee, and even if you destroy the adornee completely, the highlight remains around every single part that it’s been parented to. Glad to see I’m not the only one experiencing issues.


It’s been two entire years since this thread was made and this is still an issue. It saddens me because highlights are very performant when it comes to highlighting thousands of parts. But they’re completely broken. Destroying the highlight instance keeps all the parts highlighted + more.

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