Highlight is Affecting Everything

Hey there Devs,

I’ve been running into this issue where my Highlight is affecting everything BUT the Adornee.
It works in studio but not when in game, here is an example:

In Studio

In Game

If there is any way to fix this please tell me, thanks a lot!

Where is this highlight even parented to? Try parenting the highlight to it’s adornee and see if it works.

yes its already parented to it

Can I see the hierarchy of the part and the highlight instance and all it’s children?

Hmm, that;s weird, I setted up a similar view and this issue does not occur for me.

Maybe try remaking the highlight or the arrow itself?

I think it may be a problem on Roblox’s side because it shows perfectly normal in Studio but not in Game

It definitely is but there should be a quickfix you could do.

yeah but I’m not sure how to, I’ll look around more to see what I can do, thanks for the help!