Highlight Limit Alternatives

Need help on alternatives to the Highlight feature because Roblox limits how many can be added. Right now im limited to a small amount of states for my Strategy game because of this.

Ive already tried multiple solutions but none seem to work due to the way I have the states setup, heres some I have tried:

• Duplicating the states mesh and making it slightly smaller so the mesh behind acts as the outline and vice versa.

• Adding the outline via the Solidify modifer on Blender but that doesn’t work due to the Mesh being 2d (I think)

The best solution would of course be if Roblox increased the Highlight limit drastically or didn’t have a limit all as I can definately see this happening in the future, but does anyone have any ideas for now?


You could put each state that needs to be the same color in a model together, and parent the highlight to the model.

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It looks like the highlights are used to emphasize the borders of these states. Putting the highlight in the model that contains all the states, would not show the borders. This is causing him an issue because there is a small limit to how many highlights there can be at once.

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Yeah im using the highlights as the borders between states

Oh, I see. @number1deleted could you make the borders as textures on the states instead of using highlights? I have a friend who is better with Blender if you would like me to ask him about suggestions on how to do this.

Id appreciate it alot if you could ask him


I’ll try to ask him sometime this week, but I’m a little busy currently, so it might be a few days.

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I have an idea of how you could do this, although it doesn’t look quite as nice as the highlights, and will add more triangle count to your states.

Turn on Edit Mode in Blender, select your meshes face, and inset the face a little bit. (0.05 is probably a good number.) Then use Vertex Paint Mode to color the edges black. I hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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I forgot to mention, shoutout to my friend, @poogah05 for helping me with this!

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