Highlight ObjectValue's value in explorer when selected

Basically would be really useful if clicking the value of an ObjectValue would highlight the instance in explorer


I like the “click the Value field to set it to something in the explorer/game” feature very much.
It works for Model.PrimaryPart too.
Sadly enough, that doesn’t work for Weld.Part0 and .Part1 … sigh

This leads to the problem:
Can’t click the value itself, as it would “enable” the assigntool.
Clicking the textfield “Value” to highlight it would work though.

I would like that, along with:
Doubleclicking changes your selection to the value.


Was just going to post this exact same suggestion. I’d love this feature because I am addicted to using ObjectValues to set references in my game.

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I’ve always had this idea that ObjectValues are unreliable (I think they were in the past?) so I never find myself using them in practice. :confused:

Only unreliability is that while it might be something on your client, it might be nil on another (or the server).
(other way around too)
If you use an OjectValue only for one client/server, it should be completely fine.

This is a good suggestion. If we were to make this change I think we would change it so clicking on the object’s name selects the object in the explorer, but to the right of the object’s name is some sort of icon which brings up the object picker (the current behavior).