Highlight outlines not rendering

I have seen from other forum members and Discord folks that the new Highlight instance has been enabled. People use it to create cartoony cell-shading to objects for a cartoony look.
I tried using the Highlight Instance and only the FillColor renders, while the outline remains completely invisible. The issue happens on any Roblox Studio graphic levels.

Do you guys have any idea why this happens or have any workarounds for it?


Have you set the Adornee of the Highlight?

Yes, I have. I don’t think this is relevant though as the Adornee property is just a replacement for the Parent property but I have set it.


make sure your studio is up to date, the old versions had the instance but it didn’t render

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Yes, it’s up to date. The latest version of Roblox Studio was a week ago and it certainly updated when I opened it.

Also currently experiencing this issue. There is 1 Highlight instance child in a model, and there’s about a 30% chance changing the OutlineTransparency from 1 to 0 does nothing visually.

It appears the max amount of parts you can render with Highlights is 31.


I’m also experiencing this issue as I was planning to use Highlight to make the character more visible in a crowded map.

The weird thing is for me, highlight works perfectly fine in studio. But playing the actual published game will not render it.

Maybe try moving this to bug reports?


Reset your Studio settings, this is the only fix i know and it worked for me.


My Highlight instance is working perfectly in Studio and in game on Mac, but when i test the functionality using a mobile device, the entire outline doesn’t show anymore.

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I have created a separate post and workaround in this post here, since my issue was only narrowed down to mobile and tablet:

I have included @Bug-Support in hopes this gets resolved.


This issue was automatically fixed for me after upgrading to a better PC two weeks ago. I assume older graphics cards or other related component can’t utilize this feature.

The issue is with mobile and tablet not pc… and i tested it on the latest of both.

Sorry my issue atleast.

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I was referring to my issue with the Highlight instance, which didn’t appear when I was still using an older PC/Mac.

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Bumping this, but I managed to fix it by going into studio settings and changing the graphics mode from OpenGL to Direct3D 11. Check your graphics mode.


Only problem with this workaround is that some people were experiencing it in game and not just in studio… and in my case, the highlight outline does not work at all in both mobile and tablet devices.

I don’t know then, it’s a very buggy feature to be fair. It works perfectly in game for me but in studio it generally bugs out a lot.

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OHHHH, awesome! Thank you so much for pointing out the limit for highlights. :grinning:

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