Highlighting is not correctly determining what should be highlighted, and adding too many highlights

Expected behavior

The mountain in the image should not be highlighting, as its the player only that should be highlighted.

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Highlighters have a property called “DepthMode” and by default its set to always on top which makes it so it overlaps other objects like in the picture you sent. To fix this set depthmode to occluded.

It’s possible that the highlight glitched out and now shows on top of everything even if it’s occluded, I had that happen, it’s mostly because of quality settings render distance or content streaming. It’s better to use highlights only when needed and destroy the unused ones (disabled still counts), still wishing they just added a render distance for them instead of a limit

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From the looks of the image, it seems like this is a separate Highlight instance given that the one on the mountain has a FillColor while the one on the player does not? Could this be a different Highlight that actually exists; being enabled randomly, mapping incorrectly, or staying alive past it’s life-time? It’s still a bug in all 3 of these cases, but it’s possibly a different issue to triage.

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This i know, but its showing on things that never have highlights, and aren’t intended to have a highlight object parented to them


As seen from this image, theres no way a stray highlight could occur.
The script is the only script that highlights.

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No instances of highlight also exist.

Theres no highlights that are applying to top.

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I told you that it’s a glitch and even though it’s set to occluded it still renders on top because of it