Highlights Are ALWAYS Affected By Lighting

Reproduction Steps

Create any kind of contrast or saturation effect in Lighting. Then put a Highlight object in PlayerGui and set it’s Adornee to an object you wish to highlight.

Expected Behavior

With all physical UI effects like Billboards and SurfaceGuis you can force them to ignore lighting effects by parenting them into the PlayerGui and setting their adornee. This is useful for colored effects when the game’s lighting is set to black and white.

Actual Behavior

Unlike other objects of the sort, Highlights are always affected by Lighting no matter where they are parented. This means if the game state is black and white, and I want a Highlight to appear red, it’s impossible to achieve.



Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-06-01 00:06:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-07-13 00:07:00 (-04:00)


I’ve never experienced this before. Maybe it’s a new update to highlights that accidentally broke it?

When highlights first released, I was playtesting a game I work for that was very dark for a specific quest. The highlight was red with pitch-black lighting from across the map.

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I experience this issue as well and my experience is being affected by this.

Although the issue’s impact isn’t high… Might want to change that to very low since it is not a critical bug that impedes gameplay rather it is just a visual bug.

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I agree, it’s not a huge issue. But “High” is described as “I cannot do what I want to do”, which in my use case is true.

Just to be clear, what you’re talking about here is the ColorCorrection post-processing effect being applied to Highlights, right?

With SurfaceGui and BillboardGui, setting AlwaysOnTop should be the only thing needed to get them to render without ColorCorrection applied, since this moves them to a later render pass with ScreenGuis. Is what you’re asking for to have the Highlight work the same way, basically allowing highlights to not have color correction if they are using DepthMode AlwaysOnTop? If what you really need is for Highlights to bypass ColorCorrection even for DepthMode Occluded, that would be good to know; that is technically more challenging since it requires masking.

Well yes, both would be nice. Ideally highlights shouldn’t be influenced by color correction at all…

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Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

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Hello I think this must be already resolved. Highlights are never affected by lighting or any sort of color correction effect.


On my Mac and Windows PCs, highlights are not affected by ColorCorrection. In the same game on mobile, they are. I have a ColorCorrection object with lowered contrast and it causes the black highlight to display gray. I’m not sure if the behavior would reproduce on your end or if I’d need to send a repro file?

Oh! That makes sense. Yeah no need for repro. Highlights on mobile are affected by lighting due to how they are implemented.

Well good news we will fix that very soon and also ship better highlights for mobile as well.


Hello, I noticed this fix your were referring to was rolled out three or so days ago, thank you.

I’d post this as a bug report if I had permissions but I wanted to explain a bug that has occurred as a result of this change.

If you have a FileMesh with its scale vector set to (1, 1, 1), it will display normally, while setting it to (-1, -1, -1) will display it inverted, allowing you to see all objects in the mesh. Previously, even when applying a highlight to an inverted filemesh, you’d still be able to see through it. If you layered two inverted FileMeshes within each other, each with highlights, you’d be able to see both highlights in the correct order. However, since this mobile highlight update passed, when layering two inverted FileMeshes with highlights set to occluded, the contents of the outermost mesh’s highlight display through the highlight of the innermost mesh. This only happens on mobile, on PC they layer correctly.

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Hi please report this with repro file.

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I think this was to me, which channel should I go through to report it? I don’t have access to bug reports. This is the file I want to use for the report

highlightInvertRepro.rbxl (54.4 KB)