Highlights in tools are leaking to the players holding the tool, but only in the actual game

Hello, as the title suggests I’m having an issue where highlight instances in tools work perfectly in studio, but in the actual published version of the game they leak to their parents. I’ve tried a few work-arounds like nesting the mesh of the tool in another model, ensuring that Highlight’s are correctly parented and adorned but no use.

Inside of studio:

Inside of game:

Please reply to this if you know of any work-arounds, or if it’s even possible to fix. Thank you :slight_smile:

set the highlight’s adornee property to the tool’s handle and it should work fine

I have tried this but to no luck :frowning:

If parenting the highlight to tool’s handle did not work then you probably can parent the sword in the workspace, welding it to the arm and then adding a highlight? not too sure about this

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I was just thinking a similar strategy, maybe set transparency on the equip/unequip events

did exactly this, working well even if it is a little bit of a sketchy approach compared to roblox just fixing it LOL

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