Highlights not working at all sometimes

Reproduction Steps

Game Link: War Tycoon - Roblox

System Information:

  • Intel Core i9 12900K
  • 64Gb DDR5 RAM
  • Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080Ti
  • 500Gb Sata SSD
  • High speed 1gig internet connection via Ethernet

Expected Behavior

Highlights should be working fine in studio and in game.

Actual Behavior

Highlights do not work at all on mobile or in studio. They do work while play testing in studio but not while you’re in the editor.

Highlights also stop working entirely if there are more than a couple objects that have it in the game, doesnt matter what platform you’re playing on.

This has been broken for more than a month.

Here is a picture of the issue while in the editor:

It works fine once you press the “Run” or “Play” button:

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-28 00:09:00 (-07:00)


Having the same issue. Highlights will randomly go Enabled when no script will change it. They also will also stay Enabled visually when you exit Play Mode. It’s very frustrating. I can’t include Highlights which will be a core component to my game until they fix this.


Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


This may or may not be connected to @KizmoTek’s issue regarding Highlights, thought to share it nonetheless. Could be the same issue or might require another bug report.

Anyways, if you take something that has a Highlight and move it into a folder, the Highlight will break. (stops rendering in studio and in-game from my experience) The only way to get the Highlight to correctly render is to delete the Highlight and make a new one. (copy and pasting would do the trick.)

I believe this to be partially the issue shown in the original post.

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If you’ve created the Highlight inside of the object, throw it somewhere and throw it back (idk if ctrl+z would work), but that’s my general solution

idk if this thing will help, but that’s what I believe this issue is

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We figured out why this happens, I didn’t realize that even Disabled highlights still count for the 31 limit.


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