Highlights only visible to the localplayer

hello, im currently having a problem with the highlight only being visible to the localplayer (you). heres what i mean:
both players currently have a highlight, and for some reason i can see the highlight on each separate device’s account, but not on the other account (basically i can only see it on the localplayer on each device). idk if that could help or anything but here is a script that spawns a highlight when the particle effects are equipped:
(localscript in the particle effects that are equipped on both accounts

local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
local highlight = game.ReplicatedStorage.Highlight:Clone()
local fillcolor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 245, 102)
local outlinecolor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 245, 102)
local filltransparency = 0.5
local outlinetransparency = 0

highlight.Parent = char
highlight.FillColor = fillcolor
highlight.OutlineColor = outlinecolor
highlight.FillTransparency = filltransparency
highlight.OutlineTransparency = outlinetransparency

and localscript in the highlight, deleting it when particle is unequipped:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = player.Character
local folder = char:WaitForChild("Aura")
local highlight = script.Parent

while true do
	if highlight.Parent == char and not folder:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Folder") then

tysm for helping

also here are the properties of the cloned highlight:

How do you want both the accounts to see it if it’s a local script? If you want the highlight to be visible to everyone you have to use a server script to create and place it or use remote events

you could either use a remote event or make the highlight in a serverscript. from what i can see, that game looks cool :slight_smile:

why you need to use a remote event or write it on a regular script is because on localscripts everything is visible to you only since it doesn’t fire on the server. i recommend you research what the difference between a client and a server

ohh but how would i do that then? since i need the localplayer variable and i dont think i can use playeradded/characteradded right? (btw as a person who just started making games tysm for complimenting my game :smiley: )

ok, after figuring it out i got it to work, tysm guys (consider both of you having the little solution thing)

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For the future: yes of course you can use playeradded and characteradded on server, even if that wasn’t the case you could just use a remote event to inform the server about the highlight or the player using the skill. I assume you know how playeradded and characteradded work so I’ll explain remote events just in case you ever need them: you use remote events to basically pass information either from the client to the server (fireserver) or from the server to the client (fireclient or fireallclients)

ye i decided to go for remote events

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