Highlights reparented from one instance to another appear on both instances

Reproduction Steps

Repro steps:

  • In studio, insert two parts
  • Insert a highlight into one part
  • In the explorer, drag the highlight so that it will be parented to the other part

Expected Behavior

When highlights are moved between parts, the part that no longer has a highlight in it should no longer be highlighted.

Actual Behavior

Instead of one part being highlighted, both parts are highlighted.


The highlight effect can be removed by inserting a highlight back into a part and then parenting the highlight to nil

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-02 07:09:00 (-06:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-02 00:09:00 (-06:00)


This is also happening in my game. Setting the highlight adornee to another object (or nil) will still cause previous objects to be highlighted.

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This has also been highlighted in a separate thread bug report, as a result of highlight having been re enabled after the last update.

Can confirm, I’ve had the same issue today :frowning:

Happening to me as well, a week ago setting adornee to nil would make the highlighted object not be highlighted anymore. Now it remains highlighted even after setting adornee to nil.

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We’re aware that there’s still lingering issues with highlight, it’s being dealt with.


Unfortunately we have a fix in the works but this is going to remain broken in Studio until the September 14th Studio release (a week from now), as we don’t want to cause other issues squeezing a fix in too close to RDC.

The issue is isolated to Studio and does not affect Clients, so only Studio development / testing should be impacted, not live games.


Ran into this issue a few days ago. The stop-gap solution right now is to set the parent to nil before you assign it to a new instance.

Found a way to fix this. Parent the highlight to nil and the collectgarbage()

Can you please fix highlight colors?

Previously, the highlight in this would blend really well and look nice with highlights (around the time they launched), but now it looks terrible.

The place in the rendering pipeline where highlights were rendered was moved to later in the pipeline to after other post processing effects. This was to fix some issues that were reported as undesirable overall. There is no right or wrong place where these should be rendered and they have many pros and cons to where they are. For example do you want them before or after color correction?
Some hardware with MSAA can also limit the places this can efficiently be rendered.
I’d like to know more of the visuals you want to achieve and how they looked before you you.
It could be possible we could configure where they get rendered but it’ll have to be all or nothing. i.e. all before color correction or all after.

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Basically the highlight here would blend very well with the particles and make the character look like they were glowing, whereas now it’s always a flat RGB value so it has none of that “glow” like when you make a neon brick brighter. There’s no way to achieve the same effect without a ton of work and a huge performance cost now.

The best example I can give is that this was a week or two after highlights launched, and they were much brighter and “glowy”. I don’t have a gif of the original example, but here’s another example I do have.

The first image is before, and the second image is after. Ignore the particles, those were changed. The highlight hasn’t been touched since it was added, though. You can see how it takes away the look of an “aura” and now looks dark and doesn’t fit the rest of the form.


I was also using this in sequences for transformations to make the character “glow” without having to duplicate every part and individually tween the transparency, but unfortunately that looks off as well now, which was the first example.

Personally, I would much rather have the original glowing appearance of the highlights. It was much better for what I was using them for and I’d gladly take an option to switch between the two modes if possible.

As for ColorCorrection, I’d ideally like it to be so ColorCorrection has an effect on highlights, not sure if that’d mean rendering it before or after. How it was initially was about as good as it could get for me.

@crossStarCross hey, has this been fixed for game clients?

i can’t tell if this reply was mark as solved before or after the fix

@Aliasbinman2 Just checked my stuff again, apparently the highlights don’t get affected by blur, bloom, colorcorrection, etc. This is really inconvenient and I’d greatly appreciate if this could be fixed or made toggleable.

It seems to have been fixed.

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