Welcome to Hillside Hotels and Resorts Trainings Guide, This Guide will help you to Host the session.
Training Time
Group Shout Format
[training] Training is Hosted by [USERNAME]. Why not come down to the Training Center to get a chance to get promoted, Trainee-Security may come to Get Trained. Head of Service+ May assists the Training.
[S-LOCKED] Unfortunately, The Trainings is now [S-LOCKED], The next training will be Hosted for an hour.
[END] Sadly, The Training is has ended. Congratulations to passers! If you failed the Training don’t be upset, Now why not head down to Hotels and enjoy our cozy room.
sm PTS has been disabled, please refrain from speaking as we will be starting momentarily, Any speaking will have you removed from the server.
sm Hello and welcome to the Hillside Hotels and Resorts Training Session! I am your host, [USERNAME], with my co-host, [USERNAME]. We will now start the session!
sm My Co-Host will say some Rules and Information about this Training.
sm Now, let me say something important about these training sessions.
sm I. Don’t leave the server if you PASSED, Cause we will rank you to the next rank.
sm II. If you disconnected from the server, Feel free to chat with your Host/Trainer at the comms server.
sm III. If you still do not get ranked in 1-3 days, You may make a ticket at our comms.
sm Now we will begin, good luck attendees!
Say !begin
Training Command
~ !host
~ !cohost
~ !spec
~ !ranker
~ !train r
~ !train s
~ !train h
~ !help r
~ !help s
~ !help h
End Of Training
sm Training now is Officially Ended, Staff please don’t leave. We will take a photo of the Documentations.
sm Now All Staff is dismissed, Thank you for all to make way to assist this Trainings.
Receptionist Trainer Guide
Trainer: Greetings! Welcome to Hillside Hotels and Resorts Training centre, my name is [NAME] and I will be your Trainer today with my Helper [NAME].
Trainer: This training will have 5 Stages (Greetings, Check-in Test, Trivia, Grammar test, Trolling, and Exploiting Simulation).
Trainer: Is there any question Before we start?
Trainer: Please “Jump” if you have your greetings ready.
Trainer: Okay, times are up. Now when the helper comes to you please say your greetings.
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the first stage, Now we will move to the “Trivia test”.
Trainer: In this Trivia, we will ask you a few questions about your knowledge about the hotel.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, Now my helper will send the PM. Refrain from talking so we can get your username.
- How many trollers get warnings?
- How many warnings do exploiters get?
- What is your job as a Receptionist? (lll Sentence)
- Are you allowed to troll? Explain why?
- If you want to go AFK, what should you do?
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the second stage. We will move to the “Grammar Test”.
Trainer: In this section, We will see how good your grammar is. You need to fix the grammatical errors we have sent to you.
Trainer: Please refrain from talking, So I can get you a user name.
Grammatical Errors:
1.weLcOmE TO Hillside HoTeL aNd ReSoRt
- CaN I have cofe?
Trainer: Amazing, We have finished our Grammar test Stage. Now we will move to the next Stage “Troll Test”.
Trainer: In this Troll Test, We will see how you will handle troller at Hotels.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: To give warning simply just type “W1 [USERNAME] [REASON]” until III Warnings. Before you call MR+ To deal with the troller.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now.
Trainer: Amazing, We will continue the next stage of this Trainings, Exploiting Simulation.
Trainer: In this Exploiting Simulation, We will see how you will handle Exploiter at Hotels.
Trainer: Exploiter does not get warnings, You should take screenshots and Report it to HR+ or Alert HR+ At the game.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: Now, we going to the last stage “Check-In” test.
Trainer: To give the player room, Click the check-in screen, Type the user name. Then choose the room they want and then click “Send”, That’s it.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Okay, Now we will begin.
Trainer: Amazing, We just finished all the Training Stages, Ready for the result?
Housekeeping‌ ‌Trainer‌ ‌Guide
Trainer: Greetings! Welcome to Hillside Hotels and Resorts Training center, my name is [NAME] and I will be your Trainer today with my Helper [NAME].
Trainer: This training will have 4 Stages (Greetings, Trivia, Grammar test, Trolling, and Exploiting Simulation).
Trainer: You need Âľ Point to pass this session.
Trainer: Is there any question Before we start?
Trainer: My helper will ask you for Greetings When my helper or I come to you. Please state your greetings, You have 1 Minute to get your greetings ready.
Trainer: Please “Jump” if you have your greetings ready.
Trainer: Okay, times are up. Now when the helper comes to you please say your greetings.
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the first stage, Now we will move to the Trivia test.
Trainer: In this Trivia, we will ask you a few questions about our Hotel system.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, Now my helper will send the pm. Refrain from talking so we can get your user-name.
- How many trollers get warnings?
- How many exploiters get warnings?
- What is your job as a Housekeeping? (lll Sentence)
- Are you allowed to troll? Explain why?
- If you want to AFK, what should you do?
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the second stage. We will move to the Grammar test Stage.
Trainer: In this section, We will see how good is your grammar. You need to fix the grammatical errors we have sent to you.
Trainer: Please refrain from talking, So I can get you a user-name.
Grammatical Errors
1.weLcOmE TO Hillside HoTeL N ReSoRT
- CaN I hav cofe?
3.hillside hotel n resort IS TH BES HOTELS IN THE ROBLOX.
Trainer: Amazing, We have finished our Grammar test Stage. Now we will move to the next Stage, Trolling Simulation.
Trainer: In this Trolling Simulation, We will see how you will handle troller at Hotels.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: To warnings, people just simply say W1-Reason, until III Warnings. Before you call MR+ To deal with the troller.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now.
Trainer: Amazing, We will continue the last stage of this Trainings, Exploiting Simulation.
Trainer: In this Exploiting Simulation, We will see how you will handle Exploiter at Hotels.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: Exploiter does not get warnings, You should take a screenshot and Report it to HR+ or Alert HR+ At the game.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Amazing, We just finished all the Training Stages, Ready for the result?
Security Trainer Guide
Trainer: Greetings! Welcome Hillside Hotels and Resorts Training center, my name is [NAME] and I will be your Trainer today with my Helper [NAME].
Trainer: This training will have 4 Stages (Greetings, Trivia, Grammar test, Trolling, and Exploiting Simulation).
Trainer: You need Âľ Point to pass this session.
Trainer: Is there any question Before we start?
Trainer: My helper will ask you for Greetings When my helper or I come to you. Please state your greetings, You have 1 Minute to get your greetings ready.
Trainer: Please “Jump” if you have your greetings ready.
Trainer: Okay, times are up. Now when the helper comes to you please say your greetings.
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the first stage, Now we will move to the Trivia test.
Trainer: In this Trivia, we will ask you a few questions about our Hotel system.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, Now my helper will send the pm. Refrain from talking so we can get your user-name.
- How many trollers get warnings?
- How many exploiters get warnings?
- What is your job as Security? (lll Sentence)
- Are you allowed to troll? Explain why?
- If you want to AFK, what should you do?
Trainer: Wonderful, We just finished the second stage. We will move to the Grammar test Stage.
Trainer: In this section, We will see how good is your grammar. You need to fix the grammatical errors we have sent to you.
Trainer: Please refrain from talking, So I can get you a user-name.
Grammatical Errors
1.weLcOmE TO Hillside HoTeL aNd ReSoRt
- CaN I hav cofe?
3.hillside hotels N resorts IS TH BES HOTELS IN THE ROBLOX.
Trainer: Amazing, We have finished our Grammar test Stage. Now we will move to the next Stage, Trolling Simulation.
Trainer: In this Trolling Simulation, We will see how you will handle troller at Hotels.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: To warnings, people just simply say W1-Reason, until III Warnings. Before you call MR+ To deal with the troller.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now.
Trainer: Amazing, We will continue the last stage of this Trainings, Exploiting Simulation.
Trainer: In this Exploiting Simulation, We will see how you will handle Exploiter at Hotels.
Trainer: Is there any question before we start?
Trainer: Wonderful, We will start now. Make sure your greetings ready when my helper comes to you.
Trainer: Exploiter does not get warnings, You should take screenshots and Report it to HR+ or Alert HR+ At the game.
Trainer: Any question before we start?
Trainer: Amazing, We just finished all the Training Stages, Ready for the result?
Founder of Hillside Hotels and Resorts