Hinge door not working

I’m basically just copying the tutorial on Roblox’s YouTube channel, but I can’t get this door to work,

The door and frame are seperate models. The door was anchored at first, didnt move, so I unanchored it, that just made it crumble to pieces, then welded it and had it unanchored, door didn’t crumble, but still didn’t move


Are all parts in the door unanchored?

Did you weld only the door parts together and nothing else?

Does the door not move at all, or is it trying to move a bit but something is blocking it?

All parts in the door are unanchored (frame is anchored, however frame is a seperate model.

Everything is welded to the part that has the attachment to it

Door does not move at all

If the door doesn’t move, even if it’s all unanchored, it means it’s welded to something anchored. Can you try removing all the welds and welding the door through WeldConstraints instead? (select all parts and create the WeldConstraint [Model tab→Constraints→Create→WeldConstraint])

Can you post how the top of the door is structured? I noticed something on the recent image.

When I enter to play now, it moves the door up

This is how the top looks

And the bottom should have no gaps

The top and bottom of your door are individual parts, separate from the part holding the Attachment to the HingeConstraint. That means collisions will not be ignored on those parts, like they are on the part holding the Attachment, and thus they will collide with the frame.
You will either have to turn off their CanCollide property or create a Collision Group for them using Collision Group Editor, making sure their groups don’t collide with each other.

Also, is your Attachment0 leveled with the Attachment1?

I made the door frame CanCollide false and the problem still occurs of the door moving up a stud

I move the door outside of the frame to check for Attachment alignment and they both have their arrows all pointing in the right direction (kinda hard to tell, but there’s shots in the OP of the Attachments, but yes, they are pointing the correct way (just following from the YouTube video)

I meant are they leveled, on the same height (you can check this through their WorldPosition property and comparing the Y value, assuming the door itself is already leveled with the frame)
The orientations were correct from the beginning.

The collision issue relates only to the door’s ability to open, so it doesn’t relate to it being moved up.

Ok, the heights weren’t the same, so now they are, that solved the door moving up problem

Now , when I walk into the door, it’s like ‘stuck’ so I hold down forward and it moves ever so slowly (so guessing it’s getting stuck on something) but it never opens, this is as far as I could get it to move

Same problem with collisions as I described above.
Right now, the door is thick enough so that it heavily collides with the frame. You’d need to make the part next to the frame not be able to collide with it.

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