Hinge mechanism not working as expected

I’m in the process of making some hinge mechanisms for some doors and for some reason they don’t seem to respond like I expect them to.

How do I expect them to respond?

I expect them to respond like mechanism on the right in the gif. The mechanism on the left is what I keep producing. Keep in mind that both mechanisms in the gif have the same hierarchy.


What have I found?

After spending a few hours trying to figure out what’s different between the two mechanisms, the only thing that I’ve found is that when I enable the Are Mechanisms Shown setting (Settings > Physics > Display > Are Mechanisms Shown), it seems the mechanism on the left is indeed somehow different from the one on the right:


Despite knowing this, I still have no clue how I can make the mechanism on the left match the one on the right. If you’d like to take a look at this place file, I’ve attached it below. If anyone knows how I could solve this problem, I’d greatly appreciate it.

hinges.rbxl (22.0 KB)

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Does the huge part at the bottom need to be anchored? That may be the problem. When I un-anchored it, the mechanism worked as expected.

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Both parts need to be anchored. For the doors that I’m making, the bottom section is welded to an anchored part (red).

The problem is that I have the exact same setup and it works but the door model is old:

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For now I’ve gone with a not so perfect solution, but it works. The solution I’m using is copying the mechanism that works and replacing it with the one that doesn’t work. It’s not exactly the solution I was looking for, but at least it produces the behavior that I’m expecting. The problem with that solution is that it would only work if you were able to produce the mechanism with the behavior that you were wanting.

If you’re curious what the door mechanism looks like when it’s working: