Hinge motor not moving players?


Basically. In the game theres a stage with with rotating pipes that the player is supposed to jump onto and be moved along with.

Problem is that the pipes that are welded to the source part(That has a motor inside) doesnt actually move the player. Heres the set up quickly to give you a better image in your head:

1 = The motor.

2 = The pipes that are supposed to move the player along(Welded to 1).

Motor properties:

Heres also a quick video showcasing the issue in hand:

As youll see in the video. The pipes doesnt actually move the player along with them… From what i know. Parts welded to a motor should move touching objects along if im not if i’m not mistaken?

I and a friend of mine have tried different “solutions” we found on the forum and other places but none managed to solve this “issue”(What do i know lol i could be utilizing the motor property completley wrong)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have anything else controlling the player movement or the HingeConstraint.
Also try not to use the term Motor since it’s another hinge type that Roblox has and it can get confusing.

Constraints are physics based, so they should be moving your Player. It’s hard to tell from the video since it’s pretty dark.

Try increasing your MotorMaxTorque to something like 1000000. 50 seems really low for moving anything.

What’s the Friction set for on the pipes? If it’s low your player may just be sliding on them.

No i dont and no theres nothing controlling the hinge.

Alright ill make sure to keep that in mind for the future!

Heres a better video with the brightness turned up a bit. I also welded a plane to the pipe to better visualize that it doesnt move me.

Tried doing that but that also didnt change anything :frowning_face:

On the pipes the friction is set to 0.7(The pipes have “Massless” also enabled forgot to include that in the original post my bad)

Turn off Massless.
When you use Massless with Constraints it messes with the results.

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