Hinge not rotating to mouse when vehicle turned

self-explanatory, I don’t exactly know what is happening with it.


-- Wait for player to join game

repeat wait() until #game.Players:GetChildren() > 0

Player = game.Players:GetChildren()[1]

-- Wait for Player's character to load

if not Player.Character then



-- define some variables

Char = Player.Character

--CharPart = workspace.Bases.Team1:WaitForChild("GSOoneblock")--Char:WaitForChild('HumanoidRootPart')

Hinge = script.Parent

RootPart = Hinge.Parent

event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.GEEE


-- define position of origin

local HKpos = Vector2.new(RootPart.CFrame.Position.X,RootPart.CFrame.Position.Z)

-- define position of target

local XZpos = Vector2.new(lr.Position.X,lr.Position.Z)

-- the ratio to get the triangle's width over the height

local beta = math.atan2(XZpos.Y-HKpos.Y,XZpos.X-HKpos.X) -- converting this to radians

-- turn it from radians into degrees

beta = beta*(180/math.pi)


Hinge.TargetAngle = beta -- beta has to be negative so it points at you

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maybe keeping the hinge orientation the same when it is spawned?