Setting the ServoMaxTorque on a HingeConstraint with a Servo actuator doesn’t seem to apply the ServoMaxTorque correctly until other properties (such as TargetAngle or ActuatorType) are updated. The video below shows the issue. When I set the ServoMaxTorque to 0, the assembly stays angled when I expect it to start swinging in a pendulum motion.
Additionally, if the HingeConstraint is currently moving while the ServoMaxTorque is set to 0, it will start moving like a pendulum (as expected), but when swinging back past its TargetAngle, the HingeConstraint will suddenly stop and stick to the TargetAngle, even though ServoMaxTorque is set to 0.
Reproduction file:
servo_bug.rbxl (55.8 KB)
Expected behavior
When I set the ServoMaxTorque to 0 I expect the HingeConstraint to act as if the ActuatorType were set to ‘None’.