HingeConstraint Motor Only works when Player is Near?


  • Using the HingeConstraint which is attached to a small part and then applied to a cylinder. Cylinder is then attached to the “door” part using attachments. MaxTorque set to 200,000. AngularVelocity of -1 or 1 raises/ lowers the door.


  • When player is not close to the motor/ door the door will stick. If player gets close motor resumes motion. Please see video for clarification. How can I fix this so it does not stick?
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Try setting the NetworkOwnership of the door to the server.

I’ve noticed issues with movement of HingeConstraints when the mass of the items is very low. Increasing the mass/size of the Parts helps, or sometimes making them Massless works better. You may also want to change the HingeConstraint from Motor to Servo. That way you can script the door to try to reach an angle, not just keep running until it hits the stops.

Won’t let me change network owner of parts attached to anchored parts.

Try unanchoring the parts and then change the network, once done, anchor the parts again.

I decided to using cframing paired with attachments instead.

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The issue with CFraming is that if a player is standing on the trap door it’ll pass through them when it moves.

The doors I’m using are regular access doors so they work fine. I don’t mind the clipping.