HingeConstraint Servo Facing mouse

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. I would like my turret to face the mouse properly.

  2. The issue has been that none of the methods I have tried work, the closest I have gotten to the hinge constraint properly facing the mouse is when I used a bodygyro to face it and fed the angle of that part to a hinge constraint. This worked but was not accurate to the center of the screen. Other methods do not work and tend to provide random angles with no real relevance.

  3. Some of the scripting helpers solutions I have tried:



Tool.Important.Turn.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, ToP)
	--ToP = mouse.Hit.P
	local delta = ToP - Vehicle.Vehicle.TurretRing2.CFrame.Position

	Vehicle.Vehicle.TurretRing2.Rotator.TargetAngle = math.deg(math.atan2(delta.Z, delta.X))

The above code came from one of the solutions I found, it has been the most successful issue to the problem I have had. If anyone would like to help and needs access to the hingeconstraint/turret in question let me know and I would gladly provide it to you. Thanks in advance!