Hinges break when cloning a boat

I’m trying to make it so players can spawn a boat but whenever I the boat is cloned the hinges break so the propellers fall off making the boat immobile. I tried using :MakeJoints() but that didn’t work. You’ll find the relevant code in the “–//Clone Boat\–” section.

    local events = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvents
local spawns = game.Workspace.Everything.BlimpSpawns
local boatSpawns = game.Workspace.Everything.BoatSpawns
local randomObject = Random.new()

local function pickRandomSpawnPosition(possibleSpawnPositions)
	-- Pick a pseudorandom number within the range of 1 - however many children your possibleSpawnPositions folder has
	local randomInt = randomObject:NextInteger(1, #possibleSpawnPositions)

	 -- Return the child in the "randomInt"-th index's CFrame. (i.e. if "randomInt" is five, will return the fifth entry in possibleSpawnPositions
	return possibleSpawnPositions[randomInt].CFrame

--//Drop Blimp\\--
local function teleportBlimpToSpawnPosition(blimp, possibleSpawnPositions)
	-- Select a random spawn pos
	local spawnPosition = pickRandomSpawnPosition(possibleSpawnPositions)
	-- Note: This is assuming "blimp" is a model that has a primarypart.
	-- Set's the blimp's cframe to that of our randomly selected spawn position + an offset of the blimp's height divided by two
	-- We offset it so that it doesn't spawn inside of the BlimpPos part.
	blimp:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( CFrame.new(spawnPosition.X, spawnPosition.Y + blimp:GetExtentsSize().Y/2, spawnPosition.Z) )
	-- Set the blimp's parent
	blimp.Parent = workspace

--//Drop Boat\\--
local function teleportBoatToSpawnPosition(boat, possibleSpawnPositions)
	-- Select a random spawn pos
	local spawnPosition = pickRandomSpawnPosition(possibleSpawnPositions)
	-- Note: This is assuming "blimp" is a model that has a primarypart.
	-- Set's the blimp's cframe to that of our randomly selected spawn position + an offset of the blimp's height divided by two
	-- We offset it so that it doesn't spawn inside of the BlimpPos part.
	boat:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( CFrame.new(spawnPosition.X, spawnPosition.Y + boat:GetExtentsSize().Y/2, spawnPosition.Z) )
	-- Set the blimp's parent
	boat.Parent = workspace

--//Clone Boat\\--
events.CloneBoat.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, boat)
	local clone = boat:Clone()
	local team = player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Bright red") and "Red" or "Blue"
	teleportBoatToSpawnPosition(clone, boatSpawns[team]:GetChildren())

	clone.Name = player.Name.." Boat"
	local playername = Instance.new("StringValue", clone)
	playername.Name = "PlayerName"
	playername.Value = player.Name
	game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name.. " Boat")
	if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Boat") then
	player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = clone.VehicleSeat.CFrame

--//Clone Blimp\\--	
	events.CloneBlimp.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, blimp)
	local clone = blimp:Clone()
	local team = player.TeamColor == BrickColor.new("Bright red") and "Red" or "Blue"
	teleportBlimpToSpawnPosition(clone, spawns[team]:GetChildren())

	clone.Name = player.Name.." Blimp"
	local playername = Instance.new("StringValue", clone)
	playername.Name = "PlayerName"
	playername.Value = player.Name
	game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name.. " Blimp")
	if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Blimp") then
	player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = clone.Blimp.person299.CFrame

	--//Character Added\\--
		if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Blimp") or game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Boat") then
			local oldblimp = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Blimp")
			local oldBoat = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.." Boat")
		print("blimp removed")
--//Player Leaves\\--	
	if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name.." Blimp") then
		game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name.." Blimp"):remove()
	elseif game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name.." Boat") then
		game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name.." Boat"):remove()
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looks like MakeJoints() doesn’t work unless it’s parented to the workspace first. Maybe try moving it to below teleportBoatToSpawnPoisition?

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Worked but now my boat is very slow.