Hinges colliding with "invisible" parts

I’ve recently encountered an issue with my doors where they start glitching when I put them into the build. There are some unions around - I tried turning off CanCollide but it was still glitching. Does anyone have any ideas?

In building: https://gyazo.com/75d2768d2dbe7d3f85f0db06e3d4173c
Not in building: https://gyazo.com/2512a224c0a9d0244efefd3f8b24716a

If it isnt colliding by itself then its with the building, and if the building wall is a union and you have cancollide false and it still hits, then you have built your union incorrectly.

Edit: or your union is glitching… i would try to rebuild the union and make sure the part you negate is noncollide before you union it to the rest.

I figured out it was the wall touching the hinge part because the door clips through the frame… not sure how to fix without just making a wider frame because the door is supposed to open both ways


Make it a bit wider and put in a long piece thats noncollide just where the door clips.

Try setting collision fidelity (on the unions) to Precise Convex Decomposition, Rather than generating a lower quality model (for performance reasons) roblox will use the original model for physics when this setting is chosen.

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