Hinges in tools arent working

Hello everyone! I’m trying to make a toboggan for my game. The problem is that the hinges (as you can see in the image) are not rotating, but they’re stuck in place

I also tried with a rope, but same, doesnt move.


Maybe I need to change some tool properties?

Any help is appreciated!

Do you have an auto-weld script in the toboggan tool?
Check for welds between the parts.
How many hinges do you have? It looks like you’ve got 2 that tilt the toboggan but keep it aligned to the tool Handle. You only need one for that axis.
If the tool and toboggan need to flex a bit try a UniversalConstraint, or a BallAndSocketConstraint.

Also, when testing, wait about 10-15 seconds for the constraint physics to load in. Otherwise constraints don’t work properly. Those physics seem to be one of the last things loaded in.

thanks for the reply!
you see two hinges because I initally tried with one but then I saw that it didnt work, so I saw an another post of a lantern that used two hinges, so that’s why.
I guess the reason is that since the tool is handled by client, the physics dont load probably because of streaming. I’ll see tomorrow if making things persistent fixes the hinge!

Are you sure the first Hinges attachments were correctly aligned?

I’ve tried making items with 2 hinges for more stable joints and found that they fight each other for control of the joint and can cause more issues.

If you look in the Model tab in Studio there’s the Constraints section. Click the Show Welds button to see if a weld has been created between those 2 that are hinged.

The green outline in your picture highlights the object that a selected weld or constraint is attaching. I only see what looks like 2 green highlighted parts in your picture. Both in the Handle or tool parts.

Remove 1 hinge and it’s Attachments. Rename the remaining 2 attachments something like HandleAttach on the Handle one and SledAttach on the toboggan one. Click the remaining HingeConstraint and see what the Attachment0 and Attachment1 properties are named. If they don’t say HandleAttach and SledAttach then the hinge isn’t using the correct Attachments.

I can confirm that the hinges and welds are correctly made, I just need to know why physics dont work

I know that tools need to be Massless so they don’t affect player physics. Do you have all the toboggan tool parts Massless?
I also know that Massless parts don’t work well for some constraint stuff.
Are the hinge and handle Parts CanCollide false?

everything is massless except for one mesh (inside the toboggan) so the physics work correctly.
same for can collide, there is one mesh that can collide (inside the toboggan model) so it doesnt go under the ground.
now I just woke up so I’ll try to do something

If it still has issues send a private message with the model and I’ll have a look.

I fixed it by using roblox weld constraints instead of welding scripts. Not sure why it didnt work but after removing the welding script everything worked just fine.
Maybe the script was not working you say? Well I used it for every model and it worked just fine so I guess its just because welds were handled on server…

thanks anyway!

Weld scripts weld everything in the model they are in.
That’s why using them for things like cars or your tool may not work. For something like a car you put the weld script in the body model and have the wheels model separate so they don’t get welded to the car.

the fact is that it was all separated and I even checked that welds were made correctly!

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